By©Muhammad Haque
0235 Hrs GMT
0335 Hrs UKTime
London Sunday 8 June 2008:
KHOODEELAAR! No to Crossrail hole scam; Khoodeelaar! No to the ‘Crossrail Bill’ [ the Big Business-prompted, uneconomic, wasteful and obsolete ‘hybrid’ draft piece of legislation that is being given the bureaucratic stamp of approval now in the UK ‘legislative’ ‘House of Lords’] the East London, inner city, 'deprived community'- based constitutional law and pro-democracy campaign against "the CRASSly conceived, Big Business-prompted wasteful, diversionary London Crossrail ..." TOLD YOU SO! That the peddlers of the CROSSRAIL scam do not have reason on their said. They have racism on their side! Time after time they keep showing desperation by attacking Scotland and the Scottish people for the lack of substance in the London CRASSrail scam.. They did it in the months leading up to Gordon Brown taking up official tenancy at No 10 Downing Street London SW1... They did it when the shallowness of the Crossrail scheme was being exposed by Khoodeelaar! and by all other ordinary observers concerned They did it by turning on the anti-Scottish sub-racist line and having it fronted by then incumbent in the post of ‘mayor’ in the name of London, the ‘undone mayor’ as Khoodeelaar! described Ken Livingstone.. And they were wrong... The Crossrail scam peddlers have found in the mean time that there is no evidence on the ground and most importantly among ordinary people in London for the public funding of Crossrail that does not address the real the overwhelming majority of the transport needs of London... In other words, there is no electoral or politically strategic justification let alone economic demand for Crossrail in London... So what do they do? they resort back to stoking up hatred and now an even more open anti-Scottish almost racist propaganda....... They are saying incredible things.. They are lying... And they are confirming that the London Crossrail is NOT about solving the transport needs of London... They are saying Crossrail is a big stick with which to beat up the Scottish people politically. That in other words, Crossrail is NOT about solving London’s transport needs...Just as the racist Matthew Parris [who claims to have written some of Margaret Thatcher’s poisonously prejudiced speeches and who is a self-confessed liar and fabricator] urged Tony Blair to PUNISH the ‘Brick Lane’ area by DIGGING the Crossrail hole in the East End community’s heart, in the immediate aftermath of the people of Bethnal Green and Bow electorally ousting Blair’s multifariously promoted ‘Babe’ and Crossrail hole-plot-peddler Oona King at the May 2005 general elections .....[since rehabilitated a dozen times in all sorts of mysterious ‘careers’ ‘ guises’ and ways, with her current location being in the political kitchen of Gordon Brown at No 10 Downing Street]........ .... And to confirm just how total is the desperation on the part of the Big Business agents, lobbyists and touts peddling Crossrail so that they can still loot for Big Business the £Billions of UK pub lic cash, they have now apparently recruited Boris Johnson to their immoral, antisocial and plainly wasteful adventure... The same Boris Johnson that they have been accusing again in the past 3 days of not having backed Crossrail as a Bill when he, Johnson, was still an active MP...... Especially noticeable is the couple of ‘blogs’ that the main Crossrail hole plot peddling ‘minister’ Tom Harris has published on the internet in the past 3 days... Khoodeelaar! is putting this on the record, as we have done in the past 6 months, that Tom Harris is lying, just las Ken Livingstone had lied... And we are also exclusively making the point here that behind Boris Johnson’s sudden ‘conversion’ to being a ‘pro-Crossrail zealot’ in the course of the past 3 days is not unconnected with the Big Business lobbys... For they must have found out that by painting Boris Johnson as being anti-Crossrail, they were losing even more justification than they already had lost...... And as for Johnson’s appearance this morning [Sunday 8 June 2008] as another version of ‘Crossrail-peddling ken Livingstone’, we have bad news for him.... Johnson did not have the sense to reply to Tom harris’ retailing of the accusation that Johnson had failed to support Crossrail in the Commons, KHOODEELAAR! had the ethical and the constitutional and the political courage and we pointed the constitutional law position on Johnson's recorded conduct and behaviour in the House of Commons and on Johnson's' role... We are now going to point out to Johnson that he will be exposed as being an idiot for trying on the clothes that do not fit him... The clothes that he has suddenly given some thoughts to the matter of Crassrail. He has given no thoughts... And if he had done so, he would have discovered that Crossrail is indeed CRASSrail... Boris must resist the racist the racist, or sub-racist, or semi-racist or psedo-racist temptation, urge and propensities... Even though the Scottish people are in less danger of being damaged by the racist onslaught being mounted against them collectively the agents of Big business the danger is this: RACISM, or sub-racism or any kind of prejudice can gain political acceptance... That can only ruin whatever fragile balance and equilibrium there exists ins society..... That equilibrium deserves to be protected and truly valued.... and supported, not weakened..... So racism and all that geos with it....must be shunned and actively disowned by all holders of public office... By showing they the only argument they can make for Crossrail is by being racist, they have definitely put paid to any claim that they could later make....
[To be continued]
AADHIKARonline quoting from external web site at 0235 Hrs GMT London Sunday 8 june 2008:
Boris blunders into subsidy row
Boris Johnson: 'They’re forking out for things in Scotland and you’ve got Scottish MPs, the Prime Minister and Chancellor, who are treating the country in an inequitable way'
Published Date: 08 June 2008
By Murdo MacLeod and Simon Mundy
BORIS Johnson sparked an angry cross-border row last night by claiming Londoners resent "forking out for things in Scotland".
The newly elected London Mayor – who is notorious for his controversial outbursts – added that Scottish politicians, including Gordon Brown, were treating the country in an "inequitable" way.
Johnson's remarks reopened the long and bitter argument about whether Scotland is subsidised by the rest of the UK.
Labour and Tory politicians have questioned whether an independent Scotland would have the cash to go it alone, while Nationalists have insisted that Scottish oil is keeping the UK afloat and would be enough to sustain an independent Scotland.
In a newspaper interview yesterday, Johnson said of residents of London and the south-east: "They're forking out for things in Scotland and you've got Scottish MPs, the Prime Minister and Chancellor, who are treating the country in an inequitable way."
But Angus Robertson, SNP Westminster leader, said: "When Boris Johnson gets up in the morning, he should thank his lucky stars that Scottish oil revenues are keeping the London Treasury afloat. And at bedtime, he should express his gratitude to the rest of the country for the Lottery good causes money being diverted to fund the London Olympics.
"Now that Boris is elected, it's time for him to get real. Public spending per head is higher in London than in Scotland. Even his predecessor, Ken Livingstone, eventually realised the error of his ways and accepted that Scotland subsidises the UK exchequer. Educating Boris in financial reality might prove more difficult."
Lib Dem MSP Robert Brown said: "I hope for the sake of his readers that Mayor Johnson's newspaper column is more accurate than this interview. He should know better than recycling Ken Livingstone's dodgy claims."
A Scottish Labour spokesman said: "Obviously Boris's old habit of insulting people across the UK has not left him. He is talking nonsense and he should apologise for his ridiculous remarks."
No one was available for comment from the Scottish Tories.
A spokesman for Johnson claimed that the remarks should not be seen as an attack on the Scots.
He said: "Boris Johnson is keen to keep his manifesto commitment to the people of London to ensure that they will not be short-changed. He is concerned that the Chancellor and the Prime Minister might hold back on funding the upgrade of the Underground and significant infrastructure projects such as Crossrail. He understands that if that were to happen, many people in London might feel resentful. Boris Johnson has only warmth and admiration for the people of Scotland."
Johnson defeated Labour London Mayor Ken Livingstone last month, despite the Tory being initially written off as a gaffe-prone figure of fun by many pundits.
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Last Updated: 07 June 2008 10:39 PM
Source: Scotland On Sunday
Location: Scotland
Related Topics: Conservative Party , The union
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