Muhammad Haque ethical commentary 0750 Hrs GMT London Tuesday 22 April 2008:
On Gordon Brown, his Big Business agenda setters and how the Big Business plot is being propagated by both the BBC and the Guardian [allegedly 'edited' by Polly Toynbee],
But that would not be the view that would come across over at the BBC...
Especially if anyone who had just begun watching the BBC1 Breakfast programme on this same morning 22 April 2008. The BBC must have struck a deal with the evil plotters who are bent on deceiving the public about the post of mayor at the expense of London...
From the start, this was a very corrupt idea... It was not designed to let the people of London hold to account anyone in post in the peoples' name...
Neither the post of ‘mayor in the name of London’ nor the overly exaggerated and false ‘Greater London Assembly’ [GLA] could deliver any accountability... Even if the ‘legislation’ were different .........
On the matter of that package of legislation, I shall be commenting more later today [Tuesday 22 April 2008] and in the course of the next week or so.... I shall do so as part of the Khoodeelaar! Manifesto...... for the people of London.....
Back to the obscene, the ignorant, the untruthful package peddled this morning [22 April 2008] on the he BBC1 ‘Breakfast’ slot, they did an unprecedented [that word will soon be reviewed, on the evidence] touting for Ken Livingstone IN EFFECT although they kept their promotion of Ken Livingstone barely within the limits of propaganda ... and they did an equally unjustified and untruthful plug and touting for Big Business ‘City of London’...
They did it with words of such ignorance that in the context of the known facts so far, the scriptwriter/s of that package must have been criminally assigned to make the unrepresentative, corrupting post appear almost legitimate...
No, not just almost legitimate, make it look like fairy tale.. Not that their target viewers would be expected to treat it as fairy tale They would be expected to treat it as the real thing......
Just why are the BBC script-agenda-setters intent on lying so openly to the public? Is it, could it be, it must be connected with today’s Guardian front page [see, on the right of the page, immediately below this comment] which shows the true colour, the corrupting colour of the lying Guardian....
Early editions of today’s Guardian newspaper [Tuesday 22 April 2008] have carried a front page lead that ATTACks those MPs who are at least putting up a show of resisting Gordon Brown’s attacks on the low paid and the impoverished sections in the community....
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