Monday, December 15, 2008

KHOODEELAAR! told you so! Crossrail scam-linked Canary Wharf Big mythology is unravelling ... fast

KHOODEELAAR! told you so! Crossrail scam-linked Canary Wharf Big mythology is unravelling ... fast

2100 Hrs GMT London Monday 15 December 2008: KHOODEELAAR! TOLD YOU SO!

That Crossrail was a flawed project. Seriously flawed. So seriously that we called it CRASS, as far back as 2004.… We have, in the 4 years between then and now, also showed that the ‘reason’ why the Crossrail hole-inviter clique on Tower Hamlets Council participated in the peddling of the fabrication that ‘Canary Wharf’ was a place where ‘money was to be made, big money, big time’ [!!!!] and thus [for the clique on Tower Hamlets Council] to be able to parade the FURTHER lie that that Canary Wharf BiG money would ‘trickle down’ and reach [at least] some of the ‘most deprived’ in the ordinary parts of Tower Hamlets, was to be found in the corrupt composition and purpose of that unaccountable clique.…...Now, as KHOODEELAAR! has been warning, CANARY WHARF is coming apart in front of our very eyes.…… The mythology of big money is coming apart.……. But are the peddlers of Crossrail taking any notice of this reality? Not really.. They are as frenetic in their indulgence in lying now as they were in June 2003.… They are saying that Crossrail will indeed become reality.. They are defiant... They even sent Owen Whalley to be part of a parade of Crossrail fanatics, staged in central London, where they uttered any amount of irrationality...Like the daily contradictions and crassness about Heathrow, the Canary Wharf Conundrum is at the centre of the crassness of Crossrail.…As the fakers citadel comes down, the fakers get even more insane with their illogical, unsubstantiated defiance against the truth.… The only time and the only pressure they will recognise will be when they are really wholly and truly in the hole that they are wantonly digging with Crossrail.…
[To be continued]