Sunday, October 19, 2008

KHOODEELAAR! updating on the evidence of imprudence, irresponsibility and brazen abuse of power by Darling et al [204]

This page was last edited at 0035 GMT 0135 Hrs UK Time London Monday 20 October 2008:

KHOODEELAAR! No to Big Business Crossrail, No to Big Business-controlled ‘Govt’; No to “imprudence, irresponsibility, irrelevance and ignorance when making ‘policy’ decisions about spending public money, money raised by force of state from ordinary people...... PREDICTING, again, that the latest IRRESPONSIBLE utterances and propensities by the power-clinging, positions-clinging Govt in the UK fronted by Gordon Brown, will come unstuck... and when this happens, Gordon Brown will be sunk without mercy...... Why? Because Brown and Darling are uttering blatant contradictions and irresponsibility as they peddle the agenda set for them by Big Business and City of London...The VERY City that is responsible for the the 'British crisis' affecting the globalised market-based corrupt free-market capitalist spheres... in the first place......The breathtaking brazenness is not being mistaken by the KHOODEELAAR! campaign whatever.... It is, however, being still ‘accepted’ by the ‘mainstream’, or at least by the majority of the mainstream media in the UK....... but KHOODEELAAR! TOLD YOU SO! [To be continued]

Alistair Darling will find that he has made a bigger mistake by declaring to fund Big Business than he realises [202]

This page was last edited at 1835 GMT LOndon Sunday 19 October 2008

Alistair Darling will find that he has made a bigger mistake by declaring to fund Big Business than he realises [202]

Alistair Darling has been featuring, over the past six weeks, in the dishonestly-’edited’ and opportunistically published and ‘one-time’ ‘satirical magazine’ ‘Private Eye’ as having been so left wing [This is NOT true, see more below] [as the DAILY MAIL group now states] as a local councillor in Scotland that even Neil Kinnock did not want to know him!

This is a multiple lie.

No-one who has been in Tony Blair’s cabinet could have EVER been a genuine believer in any of the even capitalists socialism! Let alone being a socialist in the universally defined and understood sense.

No one who EVER was in any way a genuine socialist could have WANTED to remain part of the corrupt and the corrupting Blaired regime that has been in place since May 1997.

KHOODEELAAR! analyses of the financial errors of Alistair Darling have been being published for YEARS. Years before anyone, including Darling, had said a single sentence about them. Let alone the ‘mainstream ‘experts’ and ‘opposition spokespeople’ in the UK formal parliament.

So it is important to point out the fact that the trend has continued today.

Even the Conservative party backing Telegraph ‘interview’ was not followed by George Osborne for hours . Hours AFTER KHOODEELAAR! analysis of the Darling desperation...!

And now , even Alex Salmond, of the SNP, has used the very phrase that KHOODEELAAR used for days to describe Gordon Brown’s economic acts of IRRESPONSIBILITY !!!

Brown heading for a Crossrail new Debts Crash to make the Millennium Dome look like a picnic! [200]

This page aas last edited at 0820 GMT London Sunday 19 October 2008:

KHOODEELAAR! NO to crassly conceived, crassly peddled London Crossrail hole of new debts, higher tax bills for ordinary people, more £Billions for Big Business that got the country and the economy into the current mess in the first place....KHOODEELAAR! TOLD YOU SO! That London “Crossrail’ was NOT about addressing the transport needs of ordinary people ... but an excuse to give more public cash to Big Business.... Alistair Darling has been stung by new exposures on his own lack of prudence and originality.... So dire is the state of confusion and insecurity that Brown would do anything to stay afloat.... rather than do the right thing... The thing that they should be doing is to hold the EXISTING providers to account..... Bu they have not got the political courage to hold Big Business to account They have the cash from the public to capitulate to Big Business with... Which is what this Darling desperation is signalling and confirming....This is a fakery move It will not improve the economy... It will make things worse...[To be continued]