This page was last edited at 1738 GMT London Wednesday 15 October 2008
KHOODEELAAR! advises Boris Johnson, DO NOT BE EVEN STUPIDER than Livingstone said you were'!...[184]
Boris Johnson is uttering such banalities and words of ignorance that it is quite possible he may even prove Ken Livingstone right!
Now that would be really worse for the people of London than having Boris Johnson in that post in that place at all!
The utterances as reported by the London EVENING nostandards STANDARD today are awful. They are wrong. They also show that Johnson is acting as a brazen tout for the very Big Business that have caused so much problems in the UK and in the rest fo the world...
Boris Johnson shows in these utterances that he is really ignorant about economics. And worse, about society...
[To be continued]
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
KHOODEELAAR! advising Gordon Brown to stop imitating egotist Livingstone....[183]
1728 GMT London Wednesday 15 October 2008:
KEN LIVINGSTONE's legacies of egotistic irresponsibility is coming apart before our eyes.... As KHOODEELAAR! warned they would do... So Brown must not go down the road of aping far less copying Livingstone the egotist... Brown must pull away and scrap the wasteful the obsolete the irrelevant and the diversionary Big Business Crossrail hole scam NOW... [To be continued]
KHOODEELAAR! TOLD YOU SO! Here is another world exclusive summary on how Gordon Brown has got it wrong......... Here is another
world exclusive summary on how
Gordon Brown has got it
wrong......... Not one iota of
evidence of a railway line as being
being ANY ANSWER to the
the Gordon Brown document
circulated in Brussels this
afternoon [Wednesday 15 October
2008]. Least of all in Tower Hamlets. Just as Gordon Brown himself did not utter one single word about ANY relevance [!] of Canary Wharf to the lives of people in the East End when Brown appeared on the Reuters Big Business stage situated in Canary Wharf earlier this week........Within minutes of the latest plug of the Gordon Brown parade in Brussels being broadcast the BBC also carried an interview with the public sector employees’ trade union representative Mark Serwotka who set out the facts of how Gordon Brown had got his financial and economic policy WRONG.... sacking public sector employes, doing everything to aid the bankers..... GORDON BROWN’s ‘recovery’ may last for a far shorter time than he may have been ‘advised’ it will do...... Even his regular phone-calls to the ‘emerging’ economic image the ‘Indian Prime Minister’ may not be hitting the right targets.... INDIA has the Largest number of the starving to be found in any country in the world...... No amount of hype associated with Gordon Brown’s and s ‘packaged’ policies can hide the fact that Brown was the Uk finance minister for 10 years..... So the question is, how was it that he did not see [note that word ‘see’ - more on that later] what the bankers were upto ? If he could not see or if he chose to overlook what they were upto than Brown is more at fault than any other UK politician in power..... Brown is also wrong to overhype his historic position.....Bretton Woods was NOT about the hype that Brown is associating with it... In any event, Brown must have been sleeping - even when he was doing his ‘Phd’ that is now being tagged on to his ‘cv’........ Bretton WOODS needed to be reviewed 50 years ago....Instead the prospective reviewers being embarked on miniature adventures and follies in the 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s...........Brown has not got the necessary knowledge that would enable him to see his fundamental flaws..... He must stop making his ignorance appear even worse... One way to do so is to stop comparing himself with policies and events that he is not entitled to be. On the facts. On the evidence. ... And the BBC has to stop being so ignorant about economics....[To be continued]
KEN LIVINGSTONE's legacies of egotistic irresponsibility is coming apart before our eyes.... As KHOODEELAAR! warned they would do... So Brown must not go down the road of aping far less copying Livingstone the egotist... Brown must pull away and scrap the wasteful the obsolete the irrelevant and the diversionary Big Business Crossrail hole scam NOW... [To be continued]
KHOODEELAAR! TOLD YOU SO! Here is another world exclusive summary on how Gordon Brown has got it wrong......... Here is another
world exclusive summary on how
Gordon Brown has got it
wrong......... Not one iota of
evidence of a railway line as being
being ANY ANSWER to the
the Gordon Brown document
circulated in Brussels this
afternoon [Wednesday 15 October
2008]. Least of all in Tower Hamlets. Just as Gordon Brown himself did not utter one single word about ANY relevance [!] of Canary Wharf to the lives of people in the East End when Brown appeared on the Reuters Big Business stage situated in Canary Wharf earlier this week........Within minutes of the latest plug of the Gordon Brown parade in Brussels being broadcast the BBC also carried an interview with the public sector employees’ trade union representative Mark Serwotka who set out the facts of how Gordon Brown had got his financial and economic policy WRONG.... sacking public sector employes, doing everything to aid the bankers..... GORDON BROWN’s ‘recovery’ may last for a far shorter time than he may have been ‘advised’ it will do...... Even his regular phone-calls to the ‘emerging’ economic image the ‘Indian Prime Minister’ may not be hitting the right targets.... INDIA has the Largest number of the starving to be found in any country in the world...... No amount of hype associated with Gordon Brown’s and s ‘packaged’ policies can hide the fact that Brown was the Uk finance minister for 10 years..... So the question is, how was it that he did not see [note that word ‘see’ - more on that later] what the bankers were upto ? If he could not see or if he chose to overlook what they were upto than Brown is more at fault than any other UK politician in power..... Brown is also wrong to overhype his historic position.....Bretton Woods was NOT about the hype that Brown is associating with it... In any event, Brown must have been sleeping - even when he was doing his ‘Phd’ that is now being tagged on to his ‘cv’........ Bretton WOODS needed to be reviewed 50 years ago....Instead the prospective reviewers being embarked on miniature adventures and follies in the 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s...........Brown has not got the necessary knowledge that would enable him to see his fundamental flaws..... He must stop making his ignorance appear even worse... One way to do so is to stop comparing himself with policies and events that he is not entitled to be. On the facts. On the evidence. ... And the BBC has to stop being so ignorant about economics....[To be continued]
KHOODEELAAR! advising Gordon Brown to read up on the 1929 events. Read J K Galbraith and ye [!!!!] shall see how wrong politicians can be [182]
CONTEXTUAL action update and references:
1 May 2006
Muhammad Haque paying tributes to J K Galbraith and aLSO exposing the BBC ignorance on economics and Big Business
J K Galbraith - why the BBC must to apologise for that LSE-Desai outrage
MUHAMMAD HAQUE daily political commentary
London Monday 1 May 2006
The world has lost a great contributor to caring and civilised thought. J K Galbraith has passed away.
I will always remember him for the great service he performed by explaining to the world so clearly how the Military Industrial Complex operates.
But the BBC are not content to let the memories of one of the most active social thinkers remain untarnished.
they brought in one of the most embarrassing emblems of ethnicity-linked careerism, a man they described as ‘emeritus professor’, and addressed as ‘Lord Desai’.
He does not deserve the BBC’s promotion. Let alone complicity in the awful insult he heaped on the just-deceased thinker. Desai compared Galbraith with the British faker and convicted criminal Jeffrey Archer!
We the licence payers have something to say about the BBC’s choice of ‘work’ which they spend our money on.
That work, that interview with the ignoramus Desai, constituted neither work, nor service.
Is there no end to the idiocies at the heart of the BBC?
Or, to be precise, at the heart of the Radio Four Today programme?
The Radio Four Today programme broadcast an alleged interview with one of the UK’s most corrupt and ignorant ‘professors’, linked with the London School of Economics [LSE], who exhibited once again just how pathetically backward and sewer-like the world of Big Business academia is.
In the alleged interview, the LSE-linked ignoramus Professor Desai displayed his own total ignorance of the discipline of economics and what is more he showed just how deeply sunk in the mire of selfishness, greed and corruption he himself was.
He dismissed JK Galbraith as an economist and then sang the praise of Market capitalism, globalisation in the most shameless way possible. He then said that he never liked Galbraith, anyway!
The licence payers of the UK must demand to know why our licence paying money is being wasted and misused by the BBC giving airtime to such completely bad elements who spread the gospel of capitalist uncare, discare where there should be much more space and time given to the propagation of the truth about our world and how the truly liberating ideas of educators must be at the centre of our knowledge about events.
The ignoramus Desai is not any description of source for anything remotely to do with the truth. He is a fabricator and the BBC should know better than to allow a practised fabricator and surrogate to be given any platform where only the truth about capitalism will be acceptable. No room for lies. For to allow any lies about economics to be aired as if it has any backing of scholarship would be to violate the rights of so many millions whose very existence is threatened and denied by the oppressive gospel of market economics and capitalism.
Galbraith’s contributions included the fact that he brought out into the open some of the crucial evidence about how the corrupt market capitalism – and Globalisation in today’s terminology- operates. In the society that is dominated by the worlds vilest violators of human rights.
If nothing else, that achievement by Galbraith was much more significant than the stupid LSE Desai has any ability to recognise.
The question is: what agenda was the BBC Radio Four editor or programme commissioners operating under?
Did they have to bring in that ignorance spreader Desai?
Why did they have to broadcast that sickeningly ignorant string of lies by the LSE moron Desai?
Since when had that punter become a source of anything to do with civilised discourse? Let alone of anything to do with the truth about this world and how the gospel of free market economic lies has been used to violate and massacre millions?
How dare the BBC let the LSE moron Desai utter stupidities about J K Galbraith?
What does Desai know about Economics?
Ed Stourton should now be renamed Ed Stupidone for his own stupidities in conducting that unforgivably ignorant interview giving undeserved airtime to this LSE-linked peddler of corruption and Big Business perversion of the wealth of nature and the wealth of societies.
1 May 2006
Muhammad Haque paying tributes to J K Galbraith and aLSO exposing the BBC ignorance on economics and Big Business
J K Galbraith - why the BBC must to apologise for that LSE-Desai outrage
MUHAMMAD HAQUE daily political commentary
London Monday 1 May 2006
The world has lost a great contributor to caring and civilised thought. J K Galbraith has passed away.
I will always remember him for the great service he performed by explaining to the world so clearly how the Military Industrial Complex operates.
But the BBC are not content to let the memories of one of the most active social thinkers remain untarnished.
they brought in one of the most embarrassing emblems of ethnicity-linked careerism, a man they described as ‘emeritus professor’, and addressed as ‘Lord Desai’.
He does not deserve the BBC’s promotion. Let alone complicity in the awful insult he heaped on the just-deceased thinker. Desai compared Galbraith with the British faker and convicted criminal Jeffrey Archer!
We the licence payers have something to say about the BBC’s choice of ‘work’ which they spend our money on.
That work, that interview with the ignoramus Desai, constituted neither work, nor service.
Is there no end to the idiocies at the heart of the BBC?
Or, to be precise, at the heart of the Radio Four Today programme?
The Radio Four Today programme broadcast an alleged interview with one of the UK’s most corrupt and ignorant ‘professors’, linked with the London School of Economics [LSE], who exhibited once again just how pathetically backward and sewer-like the world of Big Business academia is.
In the alleged interview, the LSE-linked ignoramus Professor Desai displayed his own total ignorance of the discipline of economics and what is more he showed just how deeply sunk in the mire of selfishness, greed and corruption he himself was.
He dismissed JK Galbraith as an economist and then sang the praise of Market capitalism, globalisation in the most shameless way possible. He then said that he never liked Galbraith, anyway!
The licence payers of the UK must demand to know why our licence paying money is being wasted and misused by the BBC giving airtime to such completely bad elements who spread the gospel of capitalist uncare, discare where there should be much more space and time given to the propagation of the truth about our world and how the truly liberating ideas of educators must be at the centre of our knowledge about events.
The ignoramus Desai is not any description of source for anything remotely to do with the truth. He is a fabricator and the BBC should know better than to allow a practised fabricator and surrogate to be given any platform where only the truth about capitalism will be acceptable. No room for lies. For to allow any lies about economics to be aired as if it has any backing of scholarship would be to violate the rights of so many millions whose very existence is threatened and denied by the oppressive gospel of market economics and capitalism.
Galbraith’s contributions included the fact that he brought out into the open some of the crucial evidence about how the corrupt market capitalism – and Globalisation in today’s terminology- operates. In the society that is dominated by the worlds vilest violators of human rights.
If nothing else, that achievement by Galbraith was much more significant than the stupid LSE Desai has any ability to recognise.
The question is: what agenda was the BBC Radio Four editor or programme commissioners operating under?
Did they have to bring in that ignorance spreader Desai?
Why did they have to broadcast that sickeningly ignorant string of lies by the LSE moron Desai?
Since when had that punter become a source of anything to do with civilised discourse? Let alone of anything to do with the truth about this world and how the gospel of free market economic lies has been used to violate and massacre millions?
How dare the BBC let the LSE moron Desai utter stupidities about J K Galbraith?
What does Desai know about Economics?
Ed Stourton should now be renamed Ed Stupidone for his own stupidities in conducting that unforgivably ignorant interview giving undeserved airtime to this LSE-linked peddler of corruption and Big Business perversion of the wealth of nature and the wealth of societies.
KHOODEELAAR! No to 'Canary Wharf'-peddling by Gordon Brown: Even the BBC is mocking the 'magician' Brown![180]
This page was last edited at
0815 Hrs GMT 0915 Hrs UKTime London Wednesday 15 October 2008:
For almost 5 years now we have been telling it like the mainstream media never admitted it be.....That the UK economic ‘health’ and ‘conditions’ were not string enough to justify the wasting of £Billions on a scam like CRASSrail in London....Even the Govt-compliant UK State broadcasting and propaganda outfit the BBC is reporting this Wednesday morning [15 October 2008] that officially acknowledgeable jobless figures are expected to reach or even exceed 2 Million in the next 2 months... This ‘news’ is being broadcast less than 48 hours after the propaganda outlets carried the ‘endorsement’ from the ‘Nobel prize for economics’-recipient t for the year 2008 that Gordon Brown, by ‘taking the actions on banks in the UK..’ , had ‘saved the world’! The BBC is YET to explain the link! If the BBC ever can tell the difference between fakery and the truth... It is after all the BBC that has been lying for almost 80 years about every key aspects of society in Britain... The BBC has NEVER broken a single news tory in truthfulness... in all that time Of course there are the odd, occasional, decorations... Those are NOT to be confused with the BBC’s ever telling the truth... The BBC is FOREVER playing cath-up....Often years and even decades later....The BBC is persisting, as can be EXPECTED, to suppress the truth that CROSSRAIL is a liability that even the ill-advised and the imprudent and the Bankers-friendly Gordon Brown cannot justify.....[To be c continued]
0815 Hrs GMT 0915 Hrs UKTime London Wednesday 15 October 2008:
For almost 5 years now we have been telling it like the mainstream media never admitted it be.....That the UK economic ‘health’ and ‘conditions’ were not string enough to justify the wasting of £Billions on a scam like CRASSrail in London....Even the Govt-compliant UK State broadcasting and propaganda outfit the BBC is reporting this Wednesday morning [15 October 2008] that officially acknowledgeable jobless figures are expected to reach or even exceed 2 Million in the next 2 months... This ‘news’ is being broadcast less than 48 hours after the propaganda outlets carried the ‘endorsement’ from the ‘Nobel prize for economics’-recipient t for the year 2008 that Gordon Brown, by ‘taking the actions on banks in the UK..’ , had ‘saved the world’! The BBC is YET to explain the link! If the BBC ever can tell the difference between fakery and the truth... It is after all the BBC that has been lying for almost 80 years about every key aspects of society in Britain... The BBC has NEVER broken a single news tory in truthfulness... in all that time Of course there are the odd, occasional, decorations... Those are NOT to be confused with the BBC’s ever telling the truth... The BBC is FOREVER playing cath-up....Often years and even decades later....The BBC is persisting, as can be EXPECTED, to suppress the truth that CROSSRAIL is a liability that even the ill-advised and the imprudent and the Bankers-friendly Gordon Brown cannot justify.....[To be c continued]
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