Wednesday, October 15, 2008

KHOODEELAAR! advises Boris Johnson, DO NOT BE EVEN STUPIDER than Livingstone said you were'!...[184]

This page was last edited at 1738 GMT London Wednesday 15 October 2008

KHOODEELAAR! advises Boris Johnson, DO NOT BE EVEN STUPIDER than Livingstone said you were'!...[184]

Boris Johnson is uttering such banalities and words of ignorance that it is quite possible he may even prove Ken Livingstone right!

Now that would be really worse for the people of London than having Boris Johnson in that post in that place at all!

The utterances as reported by the London EVENING nostandards STANDARD today are awful. They are wrong. They also show that Johnson is acting as a brazen tout for the very Big Business that have caused so much problems in the UK and in the rest fo the world...

Boris Johnson shows in these utterances that he is really ignorant about economics. And worse, about society...

[To be continued]

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