1048 [1028] [0958] Hrs GMT London Monday 23 March 2009:
KHOODEELAAR! TOLD YOU SO! That when MPs and ministers are found to be acting as dodgy - now, that word ‘dodgy’ has been used this morning by Alistair Graham about the reported expenses-claiming conduct of Tony McNulty, currently a POVERTY-creation DWP minister {and a Crossrail Scam-peddling Department for [!!!!!] Transport minister in 2004-2005} - then there is no legitimacy in the decisions they make IN THE NAME OF THE PEOPLE...And as even a Tory, Alan Duncan, could come across as being almost truthful and to the point about Tony McNulty, there is no room for waiting before questioning these ‘ministers’ assumption that they should be trusted.. They should not be trusted. They have shown that they cannot be trusted. “Constant auditing of their behaviour is what is called for”. And since Tony McNulty was involved in the [conceptual as opposed to the physical, the material] cobbling together of the ‘DfT’ ‘case for Crossrail’ in the days before the ‘Crossrail Bill’ was formally put before the UK House of Commons on 22 February 2005 [4 years and a month and a day ago today, Monday 23 March 2009], it is utterly important to cite McNulty’s latest role and conduct as relevant evidence in making the renewed call to scrap the Crossrail scam on the ground that it was got together within the DfT by less than ethically soundly active personnel. As even McNulty himself has been shown to have admitted under pressure from the Mail on Sunday investigation, he has DROPPEd the dodgy claims and has knowledge of many other MPs still engaged in the dodgy practice.….It is so important top ask: with MPs behaving at such a low and morality-free way, what chance was there that ANY Bill, including the Crossrail Bill, would have been treated with the intellectual rigour that they deserved? And we know from the records that the Crossrail Bill [rubber stamped in July 2008 into the ‘Crossrail Act’] was NOT even debated during its passage through the two Houses where selections of stooged parliamentarians were used to give the scam the ‘formal nod’. Except for the ritual debase staged on 19 July 2005 when stooged MP after stooged MP brayed for the Big Business scam...With a single recorded exception. Time now for all the stooges to confess to their collusion and for Gordon Brown to scrap the scam without any further delay... Why? Because when a previously insignificant Tory ‘MP’ like Alan Duncan can begin to make sense when he derides Gordon Brown and credibly describes Gordon Brown as being in a HOLE of debts all of his [Brown] making then there is no room for doubting the oncoming defeat that Brown and Darling are bringing about.…defeat of democracy, sustainability, sense.….. Brown should quit being desperate... He should behave rationally, ethically, responsibly and accountably. Scrap all crass laws, rules, regulations...and excuses...[To be continued]
Monday, March 23, 2009
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
KHOODEELAAR! TOLD OBAMA to adopt ending poverty as his campaign theme..Post-election, Obama has yet to act ...
0115 GMT London Wednesday 4 March 2009:
Khoodeelaar! organiser analysed Obama's lack of theme in the period before the election in 2008. In a brief comment published on the London Times web site, Muhammad Haque said
" Barack Obama has not yet spoken against poverty as the theme for action in the world if he gets into the White House. That must be the only theme. Yet he has not made it his. Which shows the real poverty of the politics that Obama so far has represented. The prospects therefore are equally poor.”
[To be continued]
Khoodeelaar! organiser analysed Obama's lack of theme in the period before the election in 2008. In a brief comment published on the London Times web site, Muhammad Haque said
" Barack Obama has not yet spoken against poverty as the theme for action in the world if he gets into the White House. That must be the only theme. Yet he has not made it his. Which shows the real poverty of the politics that Obama so far has represented. The prospects therefore are equally poor.”
[To be continued]
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Nick Cohen and the Guardian are NOT qualified to even appear to be 'critical' of the bankrupt British left!
This KHOODEELAAR! commentary forms part of a series of responses to the London Guardian which is plugging a 'book' by Nick Cohen who is now appearing to be concerned about things that he has not been before...If Nick Cohen says that he is no longer of the same amoral ilk as he now criticises then that does not, morally, ethically and intellectually, exonerate him of the culpability and the blame that he is seeking to put at the door of the collusively indicted 'left' in his latest commercial.
[To be continued]
[To be continued]
Friday, January 9, 2009
KHOODEELAAR! updating on the evidence of Big Business brainwashing propaganda concentrating on OTT hypes for the word 'Crossrail' in Scotland..
KHOODEELAAR! updating on the evidence of Big Business brainwashing propaganda concentrating on OTT hypes for the word 'Crossrail' in Scotland..
0720 Hrs GMT London Saturday 10 January 2009:
The KHOODEELAAR! diagnosis conducted over the past 5 years of the campaign against London Crossrail hole scam, of the behaviour of the Big Business ‘CROSSRAIL’ agenda has included the facts briefly incorporated in our texts of what has been going on in Scotland. Time after time, the peddlers of the agenda have lied. They have lied about transport in Scotland generally. And they have lied about the situation to the existing transport needs in Scotland. And in their lying, they have repeatedly used the word ‘Crossrail’ when the correct word or phrase should have been about the transport situation.. But the fact that they have sued CROSSRAIL instead is to over-stress the alleged importance of Crossrail as the 'solution', the 'answer' to the transport needs in and of Scotland or of the regions concerned in Scotland.… This is a familiar device that KHOODEELAAR! has identified in the propaganda of the London CRossrail couriers...The so-called campaign against a London city airport and their so-called campaign against Crossrail and the related alleged campaign against the Newham Borough council's confusion etc constitute another citable pack of confusion and dishonesty and lack of understanding in the context of the power and the influence that Big Business CRASSrail scam-peddlers exert over ALL the key decision-making place men and place women....
0720 Hrs GMT London Saturday 10 January 2009:
The KHOODEELAAR! diagnosis conducted over the past 5 years of the campaign against London Crossrail hole scam, of the behaviour of the Big Business ‘CROSSRAIL’ agenda has included the facts briefly incorporated in our texts of what has been going on in Scotland. Time after time, the peddlers of the agenda have lied. They have lied about transport in Scotland generally. And they have lied about the situation to the existing transport needs in Scotland. And in their lying, they have repeatedly used the word ‘Crossrail’ when the correct word or phrase should have been about the transport situation.. But the fact that they have sued CROSSRAIL instead is to over-stress the alleged importance of Crossrail as the 'solution', the 'answer' to the transport needs in and of Scotland or of the regions concerned in Scotland.… This is a familiar device that KHOODEELAAR! has identified in the propaganda of the London CRossrail couriers...The so-called campaign against a London city airport and their so-called campaign against Crossrail and the related alleged campaign against the Newham Borough council's confusion etc constitute another citable pack of confusion and dishonesty and lack of understanding in the context of the power and the influence that Big Business CRASSrail scam-peddlers exert over ALL the key decision-making place men and place women....
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
KHOODEELAAR! Updater comment on the blatant lying by the London EVENING nostandards STANDARD for Big Business scam CROSSRAIL.
By © Muhammad Haque
2350 Hrs GMT
London Tuesday 6 January 2009
KHOODEELAAR! Updater comment on the blatant lying by the London EVENING nostandards STANDARD for Big Business scam CROSSRAIL. We are also in these commentaries, looking at the latest exhibition of crassness by the ‘East London Idiotiser’s, the supposedly local ‘newspaper’ concerning the area of the KHOODEELAAR! Campaign against Big Business Crossrail hole scam agenda…
The online item from the London EVENING nostandards STANDARD that we have linked to this commentary contains the same set of lying for Crossrail that we have demonstrated to be contained in ALL the plugs and peddling that the DAILY MAIL Group-controlled London EVENING STANDARD has done for Big Business at least since June 2003.
We shall examine this latest item in the course of the next few hours.
We shall again show that the EVENING nostandards STANDARD has constantly contradicted its own 'codes'. codes of alleged journalism that it employs on 'reporting' on other issues. It suspends the code of accuracy, truthfulness and objectively when it comes to peddling the Crossrail scam..
We shall also again show as we have done in the past 5 years of the campaign against the CRASSLY conceived Crossrail hole scam that the 'local' East London Idiotiser is even more insane in its crazy promotion of Crossrail now in January 2009 than it was in October 2004.
About the time of the October 2004 the KHOODEELAAR! demonstration [22 October 2004] against the Crossrail hole scam-touting 'leadership' of the 'local' East London Council of Tower Hamlets, the ignorant, the idiotic, the clueless and the contemptibly offensibly prejudiced 'East London Idiotiser' published an assertion it attributed to the then ‘leader’ of the Tower Hamlets Council making an untruthful claim against the campaigners.
We pointed out the outrage to the lying East London Idiotiser. It has remained LYING on that assertion and failed to pub publish the truth. And it has continued to publish lies for Crossrail despite ALL the information, advice, updates, clarification, pointers that the KHOODEELAAR! Campaign has made available to the ‘East London Idiotiser’.
In the current week, in fact in the past 24 hours, the East London Idiotiser has published a headline to a piece it as published online plugging the CRASSrail scam ‘station’ allegedly to be built in Canary Wharf… Canary Wharf is a spot, a name and an agenda that is being implemented for the benefit of the Big Business operatives seeking to continue to rob the ordinary society and the ordinary community of our share of the resources…. Canary Wharf is physically situated in a bit of the ‘inner city’, ‘most deprived borough in the Country’ Tower Hamlets…. But it is a thousand miles or more removed from the ordinary community of people in the ordinary parts of the same inner city most deprived London borough of Tower Hamlets….
KHOODEELAAR! Will be scrutinising the Idiotiser in the next parts of this commentary.
[To be continued]
2350 Hrs GMT
London Tuesday 6 January 2009
KHOODEELAAR! Updater comment on the blatant lying by the London EVENING nostandards STANDARD for Big Business scam CROSSRAIL. We are also in these commentaries, looking at the latest exhibition of crassness by the ‘East London Idiotiser’s, the supposedly local ‘newspaper’ concerning the area of the KHOODEELAAR! Campaign against Big Business Crossrail hole scam agenda…
The online item from the London EVENING nostandards STANDARD that we have linked to this commentary contains the same set of lying for Crossrail that we have demonstrated to be contained in ALL the plugs and peddling that the DAILY MAIL Group-controlled London EVENING STANDARD has done for Big Business at least since June 2003.
We shall examine this latest item in the course of the next few hours.
We shall again show that the EVENING nostandards STANDARD has constantly contradicted its own 'codes'. codes of alleged journalism that it employs on 'reporting' on other issues. It suspends the code of accuracy, truthfulness and objectively when it comes to peddling the Crossrail scam..
We shall also again show as we have done in the past 5 years of the campaign against the CRASSLY conceived Crossrail hole scam that the 'local' East London Idiotiser is even more insane in its crazy promotion of Crossrail now in January 2009 than it was in October 2004.
About the time of the October 2004 the KHOODEELAAR! demonstration [22 October 2004] against the Crossrail hole scam-touting 'leadership' of the 'local' East London Council of Tower Hamlets, the ignorant, the idiotic, the clueless and the contemptibly offensibly prejudiced 'East London Idiotiser' published an assertion it attributed to the then ‘leader’ of the Tower Hamlets Council making an untruthful claim against the campaigners.
We pointed out the outrage to the lying East London Idiotiser. It has remained LYING on that assertion and failed to pub publish the truth. And it has continued to publish lies for Crossrail despite ALL the information, advice, updates, clarification, pointers that the KHOODEELAAR! Campaign has made available to the ‘East London Idiotiser’.
In the current week, in fact in the past 24 hours, the East London Idiotiser has published a headline to a piece it as published online plugging the CRASSrail scam ‘station’ allegedly to be built in Canary Wharf… Canary Wharf is a spot, a name and an agenda that is being implemented for the benefit of the Big Business operatives seeking to continue to rob the ordinary society and the ordinary community of our share of the resources…. Canary Wharf is physically situated in a bit of the ‘inner city’, ‘most deprived borough in the Country’ Tower Hamlets…. But it is a thousand miles or more removed from the ordinary community of people in the ordinary parts of the same inner city most deprived London borough of Tower Hamlets….
KHOODEELAAR! Will be scrutinising the Idiotiser in the next parts of this commentary.
[To be continued]
KHOODEELAAR! tells D Cameron: Go all the way on economics and budgeting, be sensible & truthful and don't be like Boris! SCRAP CROSSRAIL!
KHOODEELAAR! To David Cameron
2140 Hrs GMT London Tuesday 6 January 2009-01-06
If the reaction so far as typified by the CRASSLY irresponsible and corrupting C and their colluder on CRASSrail Geoff Hoon [promoted to one word BUFF HOON by the current editions of ‘Private Eye’] is accurate and if this is the trend on the part of the Big Business CROSSRAIL agenda lobby then PERHAPS David Cameron has begun to understand the folly fronted by Gordon Brown and in London aped by an irresponsible Boris Johnson…
KHOODEELAAR! has asked David Cameron for months to state his position on CRASSrail.
He had not done so.
Earlier today [Tuesday 6 January 2008] we also sent him published messages asking him to make his position clear.
So the reaction via the He has not done so.
But in an indirect way, his latest tax policies appear to the peddlers of CRASSrail to be a consequential attack on the wasteful CRASSrail.
Even if that were the case then CAMERON may still be heading now at last in the right, that is the proper, the correct and the RESPONSIBLE way on economic policy…
[To be continued]
KHOODEELAAR! To David Cameron
2140 Hrs GMT London Tuesday 6 January 2009-01-06
If the reaction so far as typified by the CRASSLY irresponsible and corrupting C and their colluder on CRASSrail Geoff Hoon [promoted to one word BUFF HOON by the current editions of ‘Private Eye’] is accurate and if this is the trend on the part of the Big Business CROSSRAIL agenda lobby then PERHAPS David Cameron has begun to understand the folly fronted by Gordon Brown and in London aped by an irresponsible Boris Johnson…
KHOODEELAAR! has asked David Cameron for months to state his position on CRASSrail.
He had not done so.
Earlier today [Tuesday 6 January 2008] we also sent him published messages asking him to make his position clear.
So the reaction via the He has not done so.
But in an indirect way, his latest tax policies appear to the peddlers of CRASSrail to be a consequential attack on the wasteful CRASSrail.
Even if that were the case then CAMERON may still be heading now at last in the right, that is the proper, the correct and the RESPONSIBLE way on economic policy…
[To be continued]
Monday, January 5, 2009
KHOODEELAAR! No to CRASS Role playing Boris Johnson, getting into Gordon Brown's used [see comment] Crossrail bed.. Too obvious, too cheap, Boris!
KHOODEELAAR! No to CRASS Role playing Boris Johnson, getting into Gordon Brown's used [see comment] Crossrail bed.. Too obvious, too cheap, Boris!
0645 GMT London tuesday 6 January 2009:
KHOODEELAAR! pointing out to Boris Johnson that only because Boris can repeat after Ken Livingstone words like 'infrastructure' and then add a few smaller words to those does NOT make Boris Johnson an economist.
The ONLY links that Boris has had with any notion of 'economy' is recorded to have been in the domain of fiction. Lying. And even incitement to commit a criminal act.
So Boris has got to be careful about getting back to thats same area again.
Boris was wring at the October 2008 Tory Party conference where he praised the very elements that are universally known to be behind the latest capitalist City of London and similar citadelic corruption.....
Boris is wring now to peddle the stupid phrase 'infrastructure project'.
Unless of course Boris knows something that he has not told the people of London about yet....... that they [meaning Gordon Brown and other neo-Thatcherites now gathering together with him at least temporarily as they embark on plotting another general election 'surprise'] want to abolish society altogether in the next Putsch of jingoistic lunacy [whereas Thatcher had dared only to deny that society existed at all!] .... there has got to be accountability for applying the power to create debts...
No sane person in power would knowingly indulge in debts...
And as KHOODEELAAR ! has been pointing out daily, David Cameron must announce where he stands on Crossrail debts......
0645 GMT London tuesday 6 January 2009:
KHOODEELAAR! pointing out to Boris Johnson that only because Boris can repeat after Ken Livingstone words like 'infrastructure' and then add a few smaller words to those does NOT make Boris Johnson an economist.
The ONLY links that Boris has had with any notion of 'economy' is recorded to have been in the domain of fiction. Lying. And even incitement to commit a criminal act.
So Boris has got to be careful about getting back to thats same area again.
Boris was wring at the October 2008 Tory Party conference where he praised the very elements that are universally known to be behind the latest capitalist City of London and similar citadelic corruption.....
Boris is wring now to peddle the stupid phrase 'infrastructure project'.
Unless of course Boris knows something that he has not told the people of London about yet....... that they [meaning Gordon Brown and other neo-Thatcherites now gathering together with him at least temporarily as they embark on plotting another general election 'surprise'] want to abolish society altogether in the next Putsch of jingoistic lunacy [whereas Thatcher had dared only to deny that society existed at all!] .... there has got to be accountability for applying the power to create debts...
No sane person in power would knowingly indulge in debts...
And as KHOODEELAAR ! has been pointing out daily, David Cameron must announce where he stands on Crossrail debts......
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