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0010 Hrs GMT London Sunday 23 march 2008: Khoodeelaar! no to ‘‘Crossrail’ hole plotter’ ‘undone mayor’ ken Livingstone, tells the times online that their critical report [by-line Martin Ivens] on Gordon Brown’s Crossrall hole-con-ken burden vindicates the Khoodeelaar! analysis and advice to Gordon Brown:
Brown should drop both ‘Crossrail’ and Ken Livingstone right now!
Mr Ivens has got the predicament and the foolishness of Gordon brown about right.
Mostly so about the over-hyped, over-sold and overdue for the scrapheap ‘‘Crossrail’’ scam.
Khoodeelaar! the campaign in defence of the east end of london and against the ‘‘Crossrail’’ hole bill [now in the uk legislative ‘house of lords’ as the ‘‘‘Crossrail’’ bill’], has been saying since January 2004 that the main criteria on which the validly of any public sector scheme of the cost-intensive nature and size of the plotted ‘‘Crossrail’’ was to be sought in the economic sphere.
Khoodeelaar! has been saying since January 2004 that there is objectively verifiable economic case made for ‘‘Crossrail’’….
Incredibly, even rod Eddington, the ‘expert’ whom chancellor Gordon brown had appointed to do a rep[ort on the future of the railways in the UK advised against ‘‘Crossrail’’ [as reported in October 2007 by channel 4 news].
‘‘Crossrail’’ will waste a lot of money that the badly off public and social sectors in the UK c could put to very good and beneficial use…
Besides, the ‘‘‘Crossrail’ Bill’ is being pushed through parliament in a most unconstitutional way. if our planned constitutional law challenge succeeds then who will account for the hundreds of £millions of public money that has already been given to unaccountable ‘‘Crossrail’’ company [CLRL] already?
A really prudent Gordon brown would drop ‘‘Crossrail’’ and the liability of a Livingstone right now
Khoodeelaar! No to Crassrail plugging Lyingstill Ken Livingstone quoting the full texts of the online piece by Martin Ivens as published on the Timesonline at 2310 Hrs GMT on Saturday 22 March 2008.
The piece is consistent with the main comments that Khoodeelaar! Has made from the start of the campaign against the Crossrall hole plotting propaganda of Ken Livingstone.
Khoodeelaar! Said in January 2004 that the main criteria on which the validly of any public sector scheme of the cost-intensive nature and size of the plotted Crossrail was to be sought in the economic sphere.
Khoodeelaar! Has said since January 2004 that there was NO objectively verifiable ECONOMIC case made for Crossrail….
[To be continued]
Gordon Brown’s fate is to find his future tied to Ken Livingstone
“From The Sunday Times
March 23, 2008
Gordon Brown’s fate is to find his future tied to Ken Livingstone
Martin Ivens
Paris was well worth a mass, said a future king of France, the Protestant Henry of Navarre. Gordon Brown is prepared to give up a lot more to hang on to London. Why, he’ll even convert to Ken Livingstone’s cause.
It was a sign of desperate times last week that the prime minister ended one of the most bitter feuds in Labour history by sharing a platform with his old enemy. He is “an inspirational figure in London, a crusading mayor and one who has made a difference”, said Brown. This reconciliation brings to mind the Low cartoon of Hitler’s 1939 pact with Stalin. The Nazi dictator hails his new friend: “The scum of the earth, I believe?” The Soviet tyrant returns the greeting: “The bloody assassin of the workers, I presume?”
Until recently Brown wouldn’t speak Livingstone’s name in the Commons, simply referring to him as “the mayor”. Ten years ago Ken wrote an article accusing Brown of creating a mini-recession in London. The two scrapped like dogs over the-then chancellor’s bungled private-public administration of the Tube. The puritanical Scotsman and the newt-loving friend of Sinn Fein were always polar opposites.
If the Tories take the capital in May then Brown’s bad run will become a rout. London, with all its juicy marginals seats, is a prize indeed. The mayor’s job also provides a platform for an assault on the government’s national policies. A Sunday Times/ YouGov poll last week put the Conservatives 16 points ahead of Labour.
Further midweek polling confirmed an ominous trend that could no longer be dismissed by No 10 spinners as “rogue”. In London, the Tory candidate, Boris Johnson, has also opened up a 12-point lead over Livingstone. The vagaries of second preference votes mean a Conservative victory is by no means assured, but Gordon and Ken know they have to hang together for fear of hanging separately.
South of a line running from the Avon to the Wash, the party controls only two councils outside wobbly London. Labour is back to the bad old days of “southern discomfort”. New Labour was born in 1992 after a fourth successive defeat convinced the young team of Brown/Blair that the party would stay out in the cold forever if it had nothing to say to the aspirant middle classes in the south. Has Gordon lost them once again?
A small swing at the next election against Labour could destroy the southern and metropolitan gains first made in 1997. “We have to win in seats across the southeast . . . as well as Sunderland,” pleaded Hazel Blears, the Blairite communities secretary, at a forum hosted by the pressure groups Progress and Compass last week. Our front-page story reveals that another Blairite, Charles Clarke, the former home secretary, is e-mailing a “doomsday scenario” to southern Labour MPs. The movement of just 7,500 votes in 24 southern marginals, he says, could wipe out a swathe of small Labour majorities that will be cut by boundary changes. As Corporal Jones of Dad’s Army would say: “Don’t panic!”
The polls and a badly received budget have made gloomy reading for the government. Cold winds from America have blown in economic uncertainty. The prime minister has told us that Britain is “better placed to withstand global instability than any other country in Europe”. He may be right. But meanwhile the headlines are awful. Inflationary rises in energy and council taxes, and a sudden rise in remortgaging charges have soured middle England.
Alistair Darling pleaded that the credit crunch is all the fault of foreigners. Perhaps he needs to sound a bit more Franklin Roosevelt – “the only thing we have to fear is fear itself”– and a bit less Herbert Hoover, who ushered in the great depression. The trouble with citing international comparisons is that they are not wholly flattering to Britain. “Compare the do-nothing budget here with what is going on in the US,” charge the Tories. “Look at the speedy rescue of Bear Stearns by JP Morgan. Bear Stearns had far more complicated global transactions than Northern Rock’s.”
In London the financial authorities failed to encourage Lloyds TSB to take over Northern Rock and later, when they actively sought a buyer, found no takers. Billions of dollars in tax breaks are being given to American consumers to lift their spirits while there are talks between Congress and the US president about propping up the housing market. Our efforts here look positively lethargic.
Many Labour MPs look for a silver lining. The polls do not show a stampede from Labour to the Tories but only a falling off in bedrock support. “It’s still ours to lose,” says another backbencher, “and we are proving quite good at losing it.”
When asked by the priest on his deathbed to renounce Satan, Voltaire rejoined: “This is no time to be making enemies.” Brown has picked an odd moment to pick a quarrel with God’s representatives in Britain. Easter will ring to denunciations from pulpits across the country of his “monstrous” plans to whip his MPs behind a bill to allow hybrid human-animal embryos. It is a row that could lose him three Roman Catholic members of his cabinet. His response to these problems is a corporate makeover and a change of personnel, though the critics demand something more radical.
Chancellor Brown’s operation at No 11 was famously tight and clannish. Now there is unease at No 10 as the new company systems man, chief of staff Stephen Carter, flexes his muscles. Out go old retainers such as Gordon’s pollster, Spencer Livermore. In come new suits like David Muir, the advertising guru.
Most Labour figures I speak to discount No 10 reshuffles as so much froth, but the Conservatives are jubilant. “You get great headlines when you bring in new people to the heart of a political operation, but it can be very destabilising,” says one. A top Tory gloats: “For 14 to 15 years I have been on the receiving end of advice telling us we need an Alastair Campbell figure. Now I read that Gordon Brown needs a Steve Hilton [Cameron’s strategy boss] or an Andy Coulson [his press chief].”
Brown is in a hole. A deluge of activity between Christmas and Easter has petered out with the polls back to nowhere. Dependability during times of trouble was his trump card. Now Cameron and George Osborne, the shadow chancellor, have overtaken Brown and Darling on stewardship of the economy. One of Brown’s Labour critics argues that the economy itself is not the problem: “He’s broadly in the right place. The message: ‘I’ve been chancellor for 10 years, I’m the guy with the experience and we’ve been through these things before, I can get you through them again,’ is fine.” Nor are the process and organisation of No 10 the problem. “It’s the mission.”
Brown thinks he’s got a long time. but although the election is likely to be in 2010 an economic downturn means political recovery lags a long way behind. “Say what you like about Tony but even his enemies knew what he stood for. What do we stand for now?” One Cabinet minister apparently worried about it to Brown’s face.
And what if Labour’s southern discomfort turns into northern exposure? There is still little enthusiasm for the Tories above the Avon-Wash line. The Conservative spring conference in Gateshead a week ago was a muted affair without wider resonance in the region. But nowadays there is little of the rancid hostility to the party that attached to it in the days of Margaret Thatcher and John Major. My friends in the north tell me fears of a recession have brought gloom, restaurants half empty at weekends and worries of worse to come.
In this climate Labour’s loyal core support won’t defect to the other side. It might not turn out at all. No wonder last week the Tories were crowing that Brown has reached a turning point.
London’s election day, May 1, is his opportunity to stop the rot. But the prime minister can help his new friend Livingstone only so much. Ken is Ken, a maverick whose fortunes go up or down according to his erratic behaviour and the antics of his wild friends. He is only semidetached Labour at best. It’s an odd twist of fate that puts Gordon’s future in his hands.”
Editor©Muhammad Haque
The 8th edition of the day of the AADHIKAROnline london uk was updated at 2220 Hrs GMT on Friday 21 March 2008
Even Gordon Brown must know that he cannot go on uttering Blairing lies now that he, Gordon Brown, is in actual occupation of the office that the Bliar did occupy for a good 10 years!!! So why did Gordon Brown make the desperate packaged performances to Ken Livingstone’s career-prompted tunes?
[To be continued]
Click here for the latest contents of the Khoodeelaar! manifesto 2008 against ken Livingstone and against Livingstone’s egotistic wasteful adventure and CRoSSRAIL hole plot - continuing the Khoodeelaar! response to Gordon Brown who was again touted into the Crassrail hole plot propaganda manipulation by the crafty, confidence-trickster ken Lyingstill Livingstone..._the embarrassing display of Gordon Brown almost looking like Mr bean as he held his left arm aloft to give support to the over-zealous right arm of the insecure and the conniving ken Livingstone…. _the moment of Gordon Brown looking Mr bean as he played the part o Mr bean was witnessed ‘on location’ in ‘canary wharf’ where a few more such ‘moments’ of crassness were on view. witnesses have confirmed that Gordon Brown did not succeed in selling the career plan and agenda of ken Livingstone even to those ‘invited’ collection of time-serving career minded ‘faithfuls’ along side the choice selection of simplified sleepwalkers programmed to serve the zombie-master who promised to bribe them to their greed contents_one allegedly ‘proper’ university-awarded ‘graduate’ moaned that she could not get a job. due to the discrimination that was enveloping the corrupted canary wharf and its socially and otherwise ‘gated’ island sited on the image of the former isle of dogs _before the dirty dancing promotion of ken Livingstone’s ego and career day ended, the ‘complaining’ female ‘graduate’ was approached with suitable preferment and opportunity!!!!! _AADHIKAROnline will complete this weekend the report on Gordon Brown’s embarrassing day at canary wharf __returning to Brown’s endorsement of the ego of the very insecure ken Livingstone as confessed to the london evening standard [as published on Thursday 20 March 2008], we shall take that recorded item of immorality and irresponsibility apart, seam by every lying seam. We started our response to Gordon Brown at 1700 hrs GMT yesterday Thursday 20 march 2008. _On this link will also appear, later on this weekend the next sets of the Khoodeelaar! No to 'Crossrail hole Bill’ CAMPAIGN breaking news, this weekend continuing with the key reports on the conduct of the ‘legislative’ ‘ upper chamber’ [query this!!!!!!!!] [‘House of Lords’ at ‘Westminster’, London SW1] ‘Crossrail Bill Select Committee’, Khoodeelaar! Campaign news updates against the Crassrail hole Bill draft legislation, Khoodeelaar! Campaign against ‘Crossrail hole Bill agenda’ statements and Khoodeelaar! No to ‘Crossrail hole Bill Big Business agenda’ CAMPAIGN action announcements…..
_And a new AADHIKARonline feature examining the festering lobby-touts for Big Business that are finishing off all remaining pretences of a ‘democratic’ ‘parliament’ ‘of’ the UK as is ‘housed’ in the ‘Palace of Westminster’!!!!!!
AADHIKARonline in association with Khoodeelaar! CAMPAIGN against the Crossrail hole plot, is today [Thursday 20 march 2008] introducing another phrase we have devised in context to accurately describe the crass role being played for Big Business by the Uk ‘Houses of parliament’. It was described until the AADHIKARonline editions as published on 19 March 2008 as a ‘draft’ piece of legislation. From this morning [Thursday 20 March 2008] onwards, the ‘draft’ piece of [Crassrail hole Bill] legislation shall be also described as a ‘daft’ piece of legislation. And appropriate elaborative words, phrases and citations will be included as we continue to dissect the daft piece of legislation. The opposition to that crass, the daft piece of legislation is being organised by Khoodeelaar! The Brick Lane, Whitechapel, Bethnal Green ‘south’ and Stepney London E1 Area CAMPAIGN against the CROSSRAIL HOLE plot [‘formally’ known as] the ‘Crossrail Bill’ the ‘hybrid’ piece of draft [‘daft’!] legislation contrived and peddled at the prompting of Big Business/capitalist City of London Interests and now in the UK legislative ‘HOUSE OF LORDS’ where 113 objections to it put from across London including from the East End of London are being ‘considered’ …And AADHIKAROnline along with the associated web sites, logs and other campaigning media, have been publishing the key evidence of the institutionalised misconduct to which the ‘Houses of Parliament’ have been lobby-ed into… by the elements of institutionalised and institutionalising corruption, sleaze, greed, profit , callousness, opportunism, careerism, deception and racism… We shall be focussing on the central flaws that make a mockery of the boast ‘Mother of Parliaments’. It is an offence against common sense to call that building ‘the mother’ of anything, if the word ‘mother’ means what it universally is associated with and is perceived to mean…._[To be continued]
Khoodeelaar! This week in the UK “Houses of Parliament’ Saying No to Big Business Crossrail hole plot –___full reports and Khoodeelaar! Constitutional law commentaries due here and on the associated Khoodeelaar web sites throughout today Thursday 20 March 2008
Muhammad Haque ethical and economic commentary
1025 Hrs GMT London Wednesday 19 March 2008_
On the lies that are retailed via the BBC. Those lies are given the gloss of state-sponsored legitimacy for Big Business agenda as they are mouthed by John Humphrys on the BBC Radio 4 ‘Today’ programme – the man that has been installed as the BBC's marketing gimmick along side Jeremy Paxman. Between the two of them, it is said, there is no area of ethics, morality and integrity left unvoiced and unrepresented!……_That is the BBC’s marketing line for Paxman and Humphrys. _And that is a pack of lies. Lies that are linked directly with the peddling of ‘Canary Wharf’ for Crassrail. And all that that peddling entails at the expense of the ordinary people in the East End of London.
Just under two years ago, Canary Wharf Crossrail hole plotters lies were presented as ‘respectable fact’ on the BBC TV. _In the edition of ‘the Politics Show’ as broadcast on Sunday 26 March 2006, Bernard Gambrill was allowed to utter unchallenged and unexamined another grotesque lie. About thousands of jobs being created by Crassrail... But he neither showed the correlation nor could he show the correlation between job creation mouthing and the people in and of the East end of `London .…. That detached utterance and assertion was allowed to go unchallenged. _In the context of the events and the reality in March 2008, I shall be updating the Khoodeelaar! dissection of Bernard Gambrill's Crassrail lies. That examination will appear here later this week.
The BBC Radio 4 Today programme ‘stalwart’ John Humphrys lied for Crassrail hole plotting agenda couriers and peddlers. _So detached from reality was John Humphrys as he giggled like a hero-worshipper zombie uttering his servile ‘many thanks’ to his ‘American guest’, he left the clear impression that he, Humphrys is, must have been and was part of the Big Business lying Brigade pushing for the Crassrail hole scam. _Crassrail has been peddled as ‘crucial’ for the linking of ‘Canary Wharf’ with Heathrow [via the capitalist enclave called the City of London] . The Brigade that was actively engaged in the takeover of the land across what used to be the Isle of Dogs in the inner city London borough of Tower Hamlets…. _It is now subliminally packaged as ‘Canary Wharf’, to make the opportunity available for looters that instantly recognise ‘Canary Wharf’ as one of their very own class and capitalist signals….`_From Michael Heseltine [who was a faker as an alleged ‘nearly-liberal’ Conservative alternative to the vile Conservative ideology of Margaret Thatcher] who took the decisive steps and fronted the symbolic and structural assaults against the economic, social and environmental rights of the people [of ordinary East London neighbourhoods] for Big business when he was in the Thatchered UK administration and he [Hezza] degenerated the former Isle of Dogs and took the 'zone' out of the reach of the local people in the ordinary neighbourhoods of the East End of London. _Local, East End people were unable to afford the land around what is now 'Canary Wharf' [as a generic concept and a euphemism to denote the wider land on the Isle of Dogs] so it would be grabbed by the likes of the Reich Man ! What a name! _All the way from Canada ?! Reich Man !! Reich!!! Of course the Reichmann that fronted the takeover of the area would furiously deny any link with the notorious Third Reichers in the Germany of the past European century. He would join the opponents and critics of the Third Reich. _But he still would side with and be identified with the capitalist and takeover forces that are and will be as hostile to the needs of the people of the East End as many of the adherents of the Third Reich would have been. If the electoral programmes seen o the Isle of Dogs during the first half of the 1990s was anything to go by. _When the Third Reichists deployed on the 'Isle of Dogs' [1990-1994] were unable to make any sustained attack on the ‘democratic’ front, their real managers, the ‘capitalists’ Reich man, Reich MEN and Reich WOMEN moved in. and what has taken place on the `Isle of Dogs since the 1994 ‘local Tower Hamlets council election’ has been very much along the lines of social and economic apartheid in the East End of London___[To be continued]_Back to the BBC Radio 4 Today programme Wednesday 19 March 2008___Was that voice on the Radio 4 ‘Today’ programme that of Bechtel Cliff Mumm we suffered just a while ago this morning in the packaged propaganda piece for Big Business creepy confidence trick plugger with an almost Texan voice and accent ? __It was played at the expense of the truth [and by concealing the truth from the licence-paying members of the public in Britain] during the last few minutes of the BBC Radio 4 ‘Today’ programme this morning Wednesday 19 March 2008? _The vile, untruthful voice of lies uttered that he could not make a booking for lunch at Canary Wharf yesterday. Yesterday, Tuesday 18 March 2008. Whatever could he have wanted to refer to Canary Wharf for? The short answer is that he was comparing canary Wharf with a list of locations in the USA - where too he said there had been no sign of economic crisis, where people were spending their dosh as per usual, where the pace and the texture of consumption and indulgence was just as visible and discernible yesterday [Tuesday 18 March 2008] as it had been for the years that had gone by. _Humphrys had earlier ‘tackled’ a minor diplomat from the Chinese embassy in London over Tibet.__[To be continued]
. Khoodeelaar! No to the Crossrail hole plot campaign ‘in the legislative UK House of Lords’ [where the ‘hybrid’ ‘Crossrail Bill’ is being given the formal, bureaucratic effect of approval under the influence of Big Business which has taken over the ‘parliamentary bureaucracy’. AADHIKARonline is. Reporting on ‘the week of the Khoodeelaar! Campaign against unconstitutionality in parliament – how the Bechtel-influenced UK department for transport [DfT] has sabotaged whatever there might have been of ‘independence’ in the ‘legislative’ ‘house of lords’’
. how there is the eerie similarity between the lies as recorded in the proceedings, starting at paragraph 3382 of the ‘house of lords Crossrail bill’ ‘select committee’ and the lies in the crass corridors of Crossrail hole plotter Ken Livingstone’s ‘ Xxxxxy Hall’
. we publish the key Khoodeelaar! Constitutional, legal and evidential communications as sent to the ‘house of lords’
. we publish the key e-mails sent to the ‘committee clerk’
. we publish the key e-mails sent by Khoodeelaar! To the pre-formal stage of the ‘Crossrail bill select committee’
. we publish the key e-mails sent to Ruth Kelly
. and the Khoodeelaar! Complaint to the ‘house of lords’ ‘management’
. and the Khoodeelaar! Grounds in constitutional law for the challenge in the European Human rights forum against the very thing, the entirety of the uk parliament which has been on the facts so far, in the grip of big business and not functioning at all as a sovereign parliament,- more like the parasitic banana republican stooge place…
‘Crassrail hole plotter Ken Con Lyingstill contaminates the process of democracy
’House of Lords’ is being treated as the ‘House of Lureds’!
More, here shortly
__View the latest Khoodeelaar! Report on ‘Today in Parliament’ focusing on the behaviour of the ‘House of Lords Crossrail Bill Select Committee’, which is in formal session this month. These reports are being published by AADHIKAR Media Foundation and Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole Bill CAMPAIGN, to show how the UK Parliament has been in paralysis under pressure from parasites purchased by Big Business and placed in the parliamentary bureaucracy to get the unconstitutional Crossrail hole Bill through_[To be continued]
BBC ‘flagship’ ‘news and current affairs’ programme ‘Today’ exceeds the limits of indecency and over hypes bonking instead of explaining the deep crisis in western capitalist banking
The Muhammad Haque ethical commentary
1105 Hrs GMT London Monday 17 March 2008
Shocking News! The BBC actually lets listeners to the ‘Today’ programme hear a bit of the truth about the capitalist banking system being in quite a serious crisis! _Being party to the imperialist occupation policies of the G W Bush and the Neo-Cons' enterprise, the BBC of course, failed to mention the full facts. And they most certainly did not refer to the ‘Texan Mumm!’ _. Of Bechtel! The same edition of the BBC Radio 4 ‘Today’ programme [Monday 17 March 2008] did make sub-pornographic references and even staged pornographic ‘discussion’ flaunted by a giggling John Humphrys who was sounding as if he was enjoying the excuse to aim his ‘sexual’ ‘arousal’ references at co-presenter Sara[h] Montague under the guises of ‘information’ pieces. But they did not want the ‘middle English’ listeners to be ‘frightened’ by being told the truth about the costs of collusion with criminal excesses of latent capitalist imperialism..._How many letters are there in the ‘English’ language word ‘crisis’? Let’s count them: six letters. There is only one letter that makes ‘crisis’ ‘different’ from ‘crass’. In all other relevant details, both words, ‘crisis’ and ‘crass’ signify the same thing in effect. And they do the SAME thing in this context. Crisis and crass are the same! Crass. rail. Crass. role. The BBC has been playing a crass role in peddling the crassly conceived ‘Crossrail’ scam for years. And the ‘Today’ programme, which this morning [Monday 17 March 2008] contained another pro-racist, parasitic and corrupting lie-piece in support of the ideology and the spin and propaganda for the occupation of Iraq by G W Bush, his Neo-Cons and assortments of parasites from all over the ‘developed’ regions of the world, failed to include any statement that would remotely suggest that in Iraq there are human beings who have been under a terrifying occupation for as long as they have been. The gloss put over the racist occupation of Iraq by the BBC was too much. There was no reference on the Radio 4 Today programme this morning to the correlation between capitalism, profit, greed, 'development' occupation and the banking crisis that has now begun to hit so many of the apparently unassailable ones in the USA. _May be the discussion would not be arousing enough for John Humphrys and Sarah Montague! So they minimised the truth on the banking crisis and were gagging to do an extended one on aspects of bonking, in the morning, on ‘radio four’ !_With such rampant propensity being exhibited by none other than John Humphrys – who has been elevated by the 'Daily Mail' Group at least, to a status of being the morality champion of ‘middle England’ – what chance is there of middle England being told the truth by any outlet on domestic BBC?_[To be continued]
Crossrail hole in Whitechapel - how Ken Livingstone is linked by donation with Gerald Ronson, one of the ‘Guinness Four’, a fraudster who served jail for six months, gave Ken Livingstone cash donation in 2004 and a theatre ticket worth more than £150.00 in 2006
the full story - on this site later today. The story has been published by Rupert Murdoch's London Sunday Times today Sunday 16 March 2008
_AADHIKARonline quoting the London Independent on Sunday [16 March 2008] web site describing the role of the TEXAS, USA, man Cliff Mumm in the multi-Billion £ Iraq, UK contracts, including Sellafield and Crossrail. And also stating, as if there is no ‘House of Lords Select Committee on the Crossrail Bill’ being involved far less the ‘House of Lords as a hole being entitled to any say or relevant to having any say on the contents, the purpose and the implications of the ‘Crossrail Bill’!
_AADHIKARonline quoting the London Independent on Sunday [16 March 2008] web site describing the role of the TEXAS, USA, man Cliff Mumm in the multi-Billion £ Iraq, UK contracts, including Sellafield and Crossrail. And also stating, as if there is no ‘House of Lords Select Committee on the Crossrail Bill’ being involved far less the ‘House of Lords as a hole being entitled to any say or relevant to having any say on the contents, the purpose and the implications of the ‘CrossRail Bill’!
_Iraq to UK: a Texan tale
Having rebuilt Iraq, it seems Cliff Mumm (right), a senior vice-president at US giant Bechtel, is set on doing the same for the UK. _The Texan, who led Bechtel's $2.3bn (£1.1bn) contract to repair Iraq's infrastructure, is back in the UK having received a CBE for rescuing the £4.5bn Jubilee Line extension on London's Underground. Mumm is leading Bechtel's bid, due next month, for the £20bn contract to decommission Sellafield and he is advising on the construction of the £16bn Crossrail scheme, which is expected to get Royal Assent in the summer. _
By©Muhammad Haque
1044 Hrs GMT London Saturday 15 March 2008
The Khoodeelaar! Campaign against the ‘Crossrail hole Bill’ has been ‘in contact’ with the bureaucracy in the UK ‘legislative’ ‘House of Lords’ in Westminster since the first half of November 2007.
The contacts have been solely to do with the Khoodeelaar! Campaign against the ‘hybrid’ piece of ‘draft’ legislation, called the ‘Crossrail Bill’ that is now [15 March 2008] in that ‘House’. The facts and the evidence of the attitude of the < bureaucracy, the agenda of the bureaucracy and the antics of the bureaucracy [to date] have been so telling about just how total has been – is- the morass in the ‘Mother of Parliaments’ that it is absolutely important and necessary to examine the condition in some detail. Before starting the ‘reporting' of the ‘proceedings’ so far of the 'House of Lords Select Committee on the Crossrail Bill’ in the NECESSARY detail. Before anything can be said about the formal ‘proceedings’ that will make sense In context I therefore begin with a brief look at the conduct of Oliver Cromwell___’Good old Oliver’!_Why had Oliver Cromwell scrapped the ‘House of Lords’? __Was THAT an act of irrationality and insanity for which Cromwell could be denounced? Or did he do it because the ‘House of Lords’ was indeed a ‘House’ that was in the grip of parasites? __Parliamentary parasites! _Parasites holding 'parliament to ransom'?_Parasites impersonating the personnel in place allegedly to make parliament the peoples' platform?????? _
[To be continued]
_Khoodeelaar! set to challenge the unconstitutional conduct in the UK ‘House of lords’ ‘CROSSRAIL Hole Bill ‘Select Committee’ – more here starting 1100 Hrs GMT Saturday 15 MARCH 2008
The following report will now be published at the weekend.
Today [13 March 2008] in the UK Parliament: Khoodeelaar campaigners Say NO to Crossrail hole Bill. Khoodeelaar! The Brick Lane, Whitechapel, Bethnal Green ‘south’ and Stepney London E1 Area CAMPAIGN against the CROSSRAIL HOLE plot [‘formally’ known as] the ‘Crossrail Bill’ the ‘hybrid’ piece of draft [‘daft’!] legislation contrived and peddled at the prompting of Big Business/capitalist City of London Interests and now in the UK legislative ‘HOUSE OF LORDS’ where 113 objections to it put from across London including from the East End of London are being ‘considered’ …
By©Muhammad Haque
Muhammad Haque daily ethical commentary on the state and society in Blaired Britain fronted by Gordon Brown: London [‘Good Friday’ of the Christian Easter religious week] 1545 Hrs GMT Friday 21 March 2008:
The daily express and the daily star owned by Richard Desmond [whom the Richard Ingrams-Paul Foot-founded ‘private eye’ calls ‘dirty desmond’], have carried two prominent items on their front pages this week. Their abject grovelling apology to the ‘Mccans’ and their really dirty attacks on Heather McCartney….
This conduct raises many questions….
Contrast the Dirty One’s confessions over the mccans with his continuing attacks on Heather McCartney. Notice how Desmond’s two tabloid titles have mounted a reinforced attack of violent denunciation of the woman even as they were pretending to be reporting the final stage of Heather’s divorce action with Paul McCartney.
Their willingness to unite against Heather in that same way and with such unconcealed words and display of hatred cannot, surely, be in keeping with the words of apology they record towards the legal team of the McCans…..
The ‘unprecedented publication of apology on their front pages to the mccans’ by the two titles, the Daily Express and the Daily Star, have been much discussed by the moronic ‘media experts’ typified by the slumberous Roy Greenslow. But most of those ‘analyses’ left out the subject titles’ venomous attacks on Heather McCartney on the same front pages on the same date in the same editions!
Whatever must have given them the gall to run those headlines and those poisonous personal attacks on Heather McCartney, the message they are giving in those attacks is this: that the tabloid press RESERVE and ASSERT the right [!!!!] to “the freedom of the tabloid press which is the freedom from morality, ethics and accuracy... “.
Where is the ‘National Union of Journalists’ at a time such as this?
May be the NUJ doesn’t exist.
Com to think of it, the NUJ never does exist when groups of its alleged members behave like hordes of criminals let loose on people they perceive to be unable to defend themselves.
The NUJ is just as much to blame as the tabloid titles, which are written, edited and promoted by NUJ members – and by members of their sister trade unions.
Most of the time. On most occasions.
So what is it that causes the morass in the NUJ at tough and critical times?
[To be continued]
Muhammad Haque asks at 1918 Hrs GMT Thursday 20 March 2008:
Is Gordon Brown putting on the fake smile because his aides are confirming in his earphone that Livingstone is looking decidedly glum and is wearing a more fake smile than Brown himself - thus signalling to Brown's 'well-wishers' [the shrinking group that is getting smaller by the second] that Brown has punctured Livingstone's careerist arrogance and vanity... What paragraph of Livingstone's condemnation of Brown in the London Independent [the London print newspaper] in the 1990s is Brown remembering as he is standing there as the 'big savior' of Livingstone's sinking electoral ship...?????.!!!!
[To be continued]
Khoodeelaar! No to Gordon Brown repeating discredited Ken Livingstone’s Crassrail hole plot lies - More, here, next
Coming here later today, Thursday 20 March 2008
Khoodeelaar! Item-by-item response to Gordon Brown's ill-advised and misleading promotion of Crassrail Ken Livingstone in the London 'EVERNING STANDARD'
Muhammad Haque at 1400 hrs 20 March 2008 asks: Is Ken Livingstone rushing to re-hire Bob Kiley, with the 'USA perspective' on things, so Kiley can re-invigorate the housing 'boom' which will take place following the predicted crash and be promoted by Livingstone as yet another World CLASS CRASH that he will link to the wonders of Crossrail...?
COMING here during Thursday 20 March 2008 are the following:-
Coming here on AADHIKARonline: Latest Khoodeelaar! Report on the misconduct and the lies being told in the ‘House of Lords’ by Big Business stooges...
Latest Khoodeelaar! Report on the misconduct and the lies being told in the ‘House of Lords’ by the stooges of Big Business CRoSSRAIL hole Bill plot and agendas
Khoodeelaar! Exposing the latest pack of Ken Lyingstill Livingstone's crass lies on Transport at the expense of the people of London
And another AADHIKARonline insight into the lying unit at the Tower Hamlets Crossrail hole-inviting Council’s ‘major projects’ fabrication - we ask, what on earth was `Owen Whalley', the main man fronting the Tower Hamlets Council’s major disasters plots, dong in that little room in the ‘House of Lords’? Was he there to hear the list of allegations against him being read out or presented to the ‘House of Lords Crossrail Bill Select Committee’? And who was going to read out the allegations against Owen Whalley ? And what, exactly, had he prepared for the ‘Lords’ to ‘read’ in that note that he shiftily passed to one of the bureaucrats?
[To be continued]
The 4th Edition of the day of the AADHIKAROnline London UK was updated at 0915 Hrs GMT on Thursday 20 March 2008
CLICK HERE for the latest Khoodeelaar! No to 'Crossrail hole Bill’ breaking campaign news, this week continuing with the key reports on the conduct of the ‘legislative’ ‘ upper chamber’ [query this!!!!!!!!] [‘House of Lords’ at ‘Westminster’, London SW1] ‘Crossrail Bill Select Committee’, Khoodeelaar! campaign news updates against the Crassrail hole Bill draft legislation, Khoodeelaar! campaign against ‘Crossrail hole Bill agenda’ statements and Khoodeelaar! No to ‘Crossrail hole Bill agenda’ action announcements….. And a new AADHIKARonline feature examining the festering lobby-touts for Big Business that are finishing off all remaining pretences of a ‘democratic’ ‘parliament’ ‘of’ the UK as is ‘housed’ in the ‘Palace of Westminster’!!!!!!
AADHIKARonline is today introducing in association with Khoodeelaar! another phrase to accurately describe the crass role being played fro Big Business by the Uk ‘Houses of parliament’. It was described until the AADHIKARonline editions as published on 19 March 2008 as a ‘draft’ piece of legislation. From this morning [Thursday 20 March 2008] onwards, the ‘draft’ piece of [Crassrail hole Bill] legislation shall be also described as a ‘daft’ piece of legislation. And appropriate elaborative words, phrases and citations will be included as we continue to dissect the daft piece of legislation. The opposition to that crass, the daft piece of legislation is being organised by Khoodeelaar! The Brick Lane, Whitechapel, Bethnal Green ‘south’ and Stepney London E1 Area CAMPAIGN against the CROSSRAIL HOLE plot [‘formally’ known as] the ‘Crossrail Bill’ the ‘hybrid’ piece of draft [‘daft’!] legislation contrived and peddled at the prompting of Big Business/capitalist City of London Interests and now in the UK legislative ‘HOUSE OF LORDS’ where 113 objections to it put from across London including from the East End of London are being ‘considered’ …And AADHIKAROnline along with the associated web sites, logs and other campaigning media, have been publishing the key evidence of the institutionalized misconduct to which the ‘Houses of Parliament’ have been lobby-ed into… by the elements of institutionalised and institutionalising corruption, sleaze, greed, profit , callousness, opportunism, careerism, deception and racism… We shall be focussing on the central flaws that make a mockery of the boast ‘Mother of Parliaments’. It is an offence against common sense to call that building ‘the mother’ of anything, if the word ‘mother’ means what it universally is associated with and is perceived to mean….
[To be continued]
Khoodeelaar! This week in the UK “Houses of Parliament’ Saying No to Big Business Crossrail hole plot –___full reports and Khoodeelaar! constitutional law commentaries due here and on the associated Khoodeelaar web sites throughout today Thursday 20 March 2008
Muhammad Haque ethical and economic commentary
1025 Hrs GMT London Wednesday 19 March 2008_
on the lies that are retailed via the BBC. Those lies are given the gloss of state-sponsored legitimacy for Big Business agenda as they are mouthed by John Humphrys on the BBC Radio 4 ‘Today’ programme – the man that has been installed as the BBC's marketing gimmick along side Jeremy Paxman. Between the two of them, it is said, there is no area of ethics, morality and integrity left unvoiced and unrepresented!……_That is the BBC’s marketing line for Paxman and Humphrys. _And that is a pack of lies. Lies that are linked directly with the peddling of ‘Canary Wharf’ for Crassrail. And all that that peddling entails at the expense of the ordinary people in the East End of London.
Just under two years ago, Canary Wharf Crossrail hole plotters lies were presented as ‘respectable fact’ on the BBC TV. _In the edition of ‘the Politics Show’ as broadcast on Sunday 26 March 2006, Bernard Gambrill was allowed to utter unchallenged and unexamined another grotesque lie. About thousands of jobs being created by Crassrail... But he neither showed the correlation nor could he show the correlation between job creation mouthing and the people in and of the East end of `London .…. That detached utterance and assertion was allowed to go unchallenged. _In the context of the events and the reality in March 2008, I shall be updating the Khoodeelaar! dissection of Bernard Gambrill's Crassrail lies. That examination will appear here later this week.
The BBC Radio 4 Today programme ‘stalwart’ John Humphrys lied for Crassrail hole plotting agenda couriers and peddlers. _So detached from reality was John Humphrys as he giggled like a hero-worshipper zombie uttering his servile ‘many thanks’ to his ‘American guest’, he left the clear impression that he, Humphrys is, must have been and was part of the Big Business lying Brigade pushing for the Crassrail hole scam. _Crassrail has been peddled as ‘crucial’ for the linking of ‘Canary Wharf’ with Heathrow [via the capitalist enclave called the City of London] . The Brigade that was actively engaged in the takeover of the land across what used to be the Isle of Dogs in the inner city London borough of Tower Hamlets…. _It is now subliminally packaged as ‘Canary Wharf’, to make the opportunity available for looters that instantly recognise ‘Canary Wharf’ as one of their very own class and capitalist signals….`_From Michael Heseltine [who was a faker as an alleged ‘nearly-liberal’ Conservative alternative to the vile Conservative ideology of Margaret Thatcher] who took the decisive steps and fronted the symbolic and structural assaults against the economic, social and environmental rights of the people [of ordinary East London neighbourhoods] for Big business when he was in the Thatchered UK administration and he [Hezza] degenerated the former Isle of Dogs and took the 'zone' out of the reach of the local people in the ordinary neighbourhoods of the East End of London. _Local, East End people were unable to afford the land around what is now 'Canary Wharf' [as a generic concept and a euphemism to denote the wider land on the Isle of Dogs] so it would be grabbed by the likes of the Reich Man ! What a name! _All the way from Canada ?! Reich Man !! Reich!!! Of course the Reichmann that fronted the takeover of the area would furiously deny any link with the notorious Third Reichers in the Germany of the past European century. He would join the opponents and critics of the Third Reich. _But he still would side with and be identified with the capitalist and takeover forces that are and will be as hostile to the needs of the people of the East End as many of the adherents of the Third Reich would have been. If the electoral programmes seen o the Isle of Dogs during the first half of the 1990s was anything to go by. _When the Third Reichists deployed on the 'Isle of Dogs' [1990-1994] were unable to make any sustained attack on the ‘democratic’ front, their real managers, the ‘capitalists’ Reich man, Reich MEN and Reich WOMEN moved in.__And what has taken place on the `Isle of Dogs since the 1994 ‘local Tower Hamlets council election’ has been very much along the lines of social and economic apartheid in the East End of London___[To be continued]_Back to the BBC Radio 4 Today programme Wednesday 19 March 2008___Was that voice on the Radio 4 ‘Today’ programme that of Bechtel Cliff Mumm we suffered just a while ago this morning in the packaged propaganda piece for Big Business creepy confidence trick plugger with an almost Texan voice and accent ? __It was played at the expense of the truth [and by concealing the truth from the licence-paying members of the public in Britain] during the last few minutes of the BBC Radio 4 ‘Today’ programme this morning Wednesday 19 March 2008? _The vile, untruthful voice of lies uttered that he could not make a booking for lunch at Canary Wharf yesterday. Yesterday being Tuesday 18 March 2008. Whatever could he have wanted to refer to Canary Wharf for? The short answer is that he was comparing canary Wharf with a list of locations in the USA - where too he said there had been no sign of economic crisis, where people were spending their dosh as per usual, where the pace and the texture of consumption and indulgence was just as visible and discernible yesterday [Tuesday 18 March 2008] as it had been for the years that had gone by. _Humphrys had earlier ‘tackled’ a minor diplomat from the Chinese embassy in London over Tibet.__[To be continued]
. Khoodeelaar! No to the Crossrail hole plot campaign ‘in the legislative UK House of Lords’ [where the ‘hybrid’ ‘Crossrail Bill’ is being given the formal, bureaucratic effect of approval under the influence of Big Business which has taken over the ‘parliamentary bureaucracy’. AADHIKARonline is. Reporting on ‘the week of the Khoodeelaar! Campaign against unconstitutionality in parliament – how the Bechtel-influenced UK department for transport [DfT] has sabotaged whatever there might have been of ‘independence’ in the ‘legislative’ ‘house of lords’’
. how there is the eerie similarity between the lies as recorded in the proceedings, starting at paragraph 3382 of the ‘house of lords Crossrail bill’ ‘select committee’ and the lies in the crass corridors of Crossrail hole plotter Ken Livingstone’s ‘ Xxxxxy Hall’
. we publish the key Khoodeelaar! Constitutional, legal and evidential communications as sent to the ‘house of lords’
. we publish the key e-mails sent to the ‘committee clerk’
. we publish the key e-mails sent by Khoodeelaar! To the pre-formal stage of the ‘Crossrail bill select committee’
. we publish the key e-mails sent to Ruth Kelly
. and the Khoodeelaar! Complaint to the ‘house of lords’ ‘management’
. and the Khoodeelaar! Grounds in constitutional law for the challenge in the European Human rights forum against the very thing, the entirety of the uk parliament which has been on the facts so far, in the grip of big business and not functioning at all as a sovereign parliament,- more like the parasitic banana republican stooge place…
‘Crassrail hole plotter Ken Con Lyingstill contaminates the process of democracy
’House of Lords’ is being treated as the ‘House of Lureds’!
More, here shortly
__View the latest Khoodeelaar! Report on ‘Today in Parliament’ focusing on the behaviour of the ‘House of Lords Crossrail Bill Select Committee’, which is in formal session this month. These reports are being published by AADHIKAR Media Foundation and Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole Bill CAMPAIGN, to show how the UK Parliament has been in paralysis under pressure from parasites purchased by Big Business and placed in the parliamentary bureaucracy to get the unconstitutional Crossrail hole Bill through_[
To be continued]
BBC ‘flagship’ ‘news and current affairs’ programme ‘Today’ exceeds the limits of indecency and over hypes bonking instead of explaining the deep crisis in western capitalist banking
The Muhammad Haque ethical commentary
1105 Hrs GMT London Monday 17 March 2008
Shocking News! The BBC actually lets listeners to the ‘Today’ programme hear a bit of the truth about the capitalist banking system being in quite a serious crisis! _Being party to the imperialist occupation policies of the G W Bush and the Neo-Cons' enterprise, the BBC of course, failed to mention the full facts. And they most certainly did not refer to the ‘Texan Mumm!’ _. Of Bechtel! The same edition of the BBC Radio 4 ‘Today’ programme [Monday 17 March 2008] did make sub-pornographic references and even staged pornographic ‘discussion’ flaunted by a giggling John Humphrys who was sounding as if he was enjoying the excuse to aim his ‘sexual’ ‘arousal’ references at co-presenter Sara[h] Montague under the guises of ‘information’ pieces. But they did not want the ‘middle English’ listeners to be ‘frightened’ by being told the truth about the costs of collusion with criminal excesses of latent capitalist imperialism..._How many letters are there in the ‘English’ language word ‘crisis’? Let’s count them: six letters. There is only one letter that makes ‘crisis’ ‘different’ from ‘crass’. In all other relevant details, both words, ‘crisis’ and ‘crass’ signify the same thing in effect. And they do the SAME thing in this context. Crisis and crass are the same! Crass. rail. Crass. role. The BBC has been playing a crass role in peddling the crassly conceived ‘Crossrail’ scam for years. And the ‘Today’ programme, which this morning [Monday 17 March 2008] contained another pro-racist, parasitic and corrupting lie-piece in support of the ideology and the spin and propaganda for the occupation of Iraq by G W Bush, his Neo-Cons and assortments of parasites from all over the ‘developed’ regions of the world, failed to include any statement that would remotely suggest that in Iraq there are human beings who have been under a terrifying occupation for as long as they have been. The gloss put over the racist occupation of Iraq by the BBC was too much. There was no reference on the Radio 4 Today programme this morning to the correlation between capitalism, profit, greed, 'development' occupation and the banking crisis that has now begun to hit so many of the apparently unassailable ones in the USA. _May be the discussion would not be arousing enough for John Humphrys and Sarah Montague! So they minimised the truth on the banking crisis and were gagging to do an extended one on aspects of bonking, in the morning, on ‘radio four’ !_With such rampant propensity being exhibited by none other than John Humphrys – who has been elevated by the 'Daily Mail' Group at least, to a status of being the morality champion of ‘middle England’ – what chance is there of middle England being told the truth by any outlet on domestic BBC?_[To be continued]
Crossrail hole in Whitechapel - how Ken Livingstone is linked by donation with Gerald Ronson, one of the ‘Guinness Four’, a fraudster who served jail for six months, gave Ken Livingstone cash donation in 2004 and a theatre ticket worth more than £150.00 in 2006
the full story - on this site later today. The story has been published by Rupert Murdoch's London Sunday Times today Sunday 16 March 2008
_AADHIKARonline quoting the London Independent on Sunday [16 March 2008] web site describing the role of the TEXAS, USA, man Cliff Mumm in the multi-Billion £ Iraq, UK contracts, including Sellafield and Crossrail. And also stating, as if there is no ‘House of Lords Select Committee on the Crossrail Bill’ being involved far less the ‘House of Lords as a whole being entitled to any say or relevant to having any say on the contents, the purpose and the implications of the ‘Crossrail Bill’!
_AADHIKARonline quoting the London Independent on Sunday [16 March 2008] web site describing the role of the TEXAS, USA, man Cliff Mumm in the multi-Billion £ Iraq, UK contracts, including Sellafield and Crossrail. And also stating, as if there is no ‘House of Lords Select Committee on the Crossrail Bill’ being involved far less the ‘House of Lords as a whole being entitled to any say or relevant to having any say on the contents, the purpose and the implications of the ‘CrossRail Bill’!
_Iraq to UK: a Texan tale
Having rebuilt Iraq, it seems Cliff Mumm (right), a senior vice-president at US giant Bechtel, is set on doing the same for the UK. _The Texan, who led Bechtel's $2.3bn (£1.1bn) contract to repair Iraq's infrastructure, is back in the UK having received a CBE for rescuing the £4.5bn Jubilee Line extension on London's Underground. Mumm is leading Bechtel's bid, due next month, for the £20bn contract to decommission Sellafield and he is advising on the construction of the £16bn Crossrail scheme, which is expected to get Royal Assent in the summer. _
By©Muhammad Haque
1044 Hrs GMT London Saturday 15 March 2008
The Khoodeelaar! Campaign against the ‘Crossrail hole Bill’ has been ‘in contact’ with the bureaucracy in the UK ‘legislative’ ‘House of Lords’ in Westminster since the first half of November 2007.
The contacts have been solely to do with the Khoodeelaar! Campaign against the ‘hybrid’ piece of ‘draft’ legislation, called the ‘Crossrail Bill’ that is now [15 March 2008] in that ‘House’. The facts and the evidence of the attitude of the < bureaucracy, the agenda of the bureaucracy and the antics of the bureaucracy [to date] have been so telling about just how total has been – is- the morass in the ‘Mother of Parliaments’ that it is absolutely important and necessary to examine the condition in some detail. Before starting the ‘reporting' of the ‘proceedings’ so far of the 'House of Lords Select Committee on the Crossrail Bill'__In the NECESSARY detail._Before anything can be said about the formal ‘proceedings’ that will make sense_In context. I therefore begin with a brief look at the conduct of Oliver Cromwell___’Good old Oliver Cromwell’! Why had Oliver Cromwell scrapped the ‘House of Lords’? __Was THAT an act of irrationality and insanity for which Cromwell could be denounced? Or did he do it because the ‘House of Lords’ was indeed a ‘House’ that was in the grip of parasites? __Parliamentary parasites! _Parasites holding 'parliament to ransom’? Parasites impersonating the personnel in place allegedly to make parliament the peoples' platform?????? _
[To be continued]
_Khoodeelaar! set to challenge the unconstitutional conduct in the UK ‘House of lords’ ‘CROSSRAIL Hole Bill ‘Select Committee’ – more here starting 1100 Hrs GMT Saturday 15 MARCH 2008
The following report will now be published at the weekend.
Today [13 March 2008] in the UK Parliament: Khoodeelaar campaigners Say NO to Crossrail hole Bill ...... Khoodeelaar! The Brick Lane, Whitechapel, Bethnal Green ‘south’ and Stepney London E1 Area CAMPAIGN against the CROSSRAIL HOLE plot [‘formally’ known as] the ‘Crossrail Bill’ the ‘hybrid’ piece of draft [‘daft’!] legislation contrived and peddled at the prompting of Big Business/capitalist City of London Interests and now in the UK legislative ‘HOUSE OF LORDS’ where 113 objections to it put from across London including from the East End of London are being ‘considered’ …_
Does Nick Clegg have the guts to challenge Crossrail agenda? Does Clegg have the sense to back Alan Beith who has just created a record?!
By Muhammad Haque
1830 GMT
19 march 2008
Does Nick Clegg have the guts to challenge Crossrail agenda? Does Clegg have the sense to back Alan Beith who has just created a record! by being the only Lib Dem MP to speak against the Big Business Crossrall scam?
More here shortly
Below is how Beith's local news outlet BERWICK ADVERTISER has been reporting his comments against CROSSRAIL scam:
Budget offers no help to the poorest, says Berwick MP
BERWICK'S Lib Dem MP Alan Beith has slammed the Chancellor's first Budget, saying it offers nothing to help our poorest families in the north east.
Alan Beith said: "The Chancellor's Budget Box is nearly empty and he has offered nothing to help families or the elderly with increasing energy and food costs. This is the budget when the Government gave up on its 2010 child poverty target. By their own calculations it will be putting only an additional £1bn into combating child poverty around the UK, £2.5bn less than is needed to meet its target.
"This was also a golden opportunity for the Brown-Darling team to tackle persistent inequality caused by the Barnett formula, which means that more money is available in Scotland for public services than here in the north east.
"The only big winner from this budget is the Government; by 2010 they will be keeping an extra £1.86bn for themselves."
Mr Beith also condemned the Government's lack of commitment to improving transport links in the north east.
He added: "The effect of London's Crossrail arrangement is to give Scotland another half a billion pounds to spend as it chooses, but nothing comes to the north east. The Chancellor is crowing about Crossrail and other transport projects but singularly fails to give a single case of better transport here .
"The Crossrail example clearly shows how we are missing out yet again because of the Barnett formula, which even Professor Barnett has said should be scrapped."
Anne-Marie Trevelyan, parliamentary spokesman for the Conservatives, delivered her verdict on the Budget.
Anne-Marie said: "The cost of living is rising fast, but Gordon Brown's Government has added to it with a barrage of new stealth taxes. This is a bad news Budget that adds £110 a year to the tax bill for families across Northumberland.
"Any extra taxes on alcohol or cars should be offset by tax cuts elsewhere, but Labour has just used them as an excuse to raise more money for Gordon Brown's coffers. Taxes and borrowing are up because the Government failed to use the good years to prepare for the bad years."
The North East Chamber of Commerce (NECC), which represents 4,500 members that collectively employ a third of the regional workforce, said the move to freeze fuel duty was important in the face of rapidly rising prices at the pumps.
Andrew Sugden, NECC director of membership and policy said: "This was a Budget that was both unspectacular and unsurprisingly thin on substance when it came to improving the environment for business growth.
"However, the Chancellor's decision to delay the planned fuel duty rise was vitally important as the impact on industry would have been significant at a time when the economy is facing turbulent times. With no expectations of a price drop in oil prices in the short term, we would anticipate that Alistair Darling has only delayed a difficult decision that should be scrapped.
"Small and medium sized firms were handed tax relief aimed at boosting SME investment which will be beneficial. Again, though, it comes in the wake of a tax hit when Mr Darling tinkered to disastrous effect with Capital Gains Tax.
"Unfortunately, what we are seeing is continued confusion for the business community at a time when greater stability is needed. What firms are gaining on the swings, they are losing or have already lost on the roundabouts."
Last Updated: 19 March 2008 1:21 PM
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