Friday, June 20, 2008

Crossrail hole plot-'backer' 'Architect' Richard Rogers relishing the prospect of Crossrail digging up huge chunks of land in London....

AADHIKARonline original commentary
By©Muhammad Haque
2115 Hrs GMT
Friday 20 June 2008

Crossrail hole plot-'backer' 'Architect' Richard Rogers relishing the prospect of Crossrail digging up huge chunks of land in London....

At a time that one of Ken LYINGSTILL Livingstone's crassest egotistic misadventures, the fake staging of the 2012 Olympic games hosting in London is UNRAVELLING in costs terms, rational opinion would suggest that those hole-diggers at public expense would pause and reflect on the follies of their own making...

Yet that is the last thing that the likes of Richard Rogers seem to want to do....

[To be continued]

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