Saturday, June 14, 2008

News that Crossrail hole plot-peddling fabricator from City of London Michael Snyder has been knighted PROVES the lying core of CROSSRAIL scam...

By©Muhammad Haque
1020 Hrs GMT
Saturday 14 June 2008

News that Crossrail hole plot-peddling fabricator from City of London Michael Snyder has been knighted PROVES the lying core of CROSSRAIL scam...

Big Business Rupert Murdoched London Times DID shield the Crossrail hole plot peddling fabricator and teller of untruths from the City of London Michael Snyder...

The truth is out at last...

He has been knighted....

This is why the Times carried a most incredible commercial for Snyder a few months ago... And NOT one comment was allowed to appear on the Times web site that carried that completely criminally irresponsible and untruthful plug ....

The truth behind that is out at last...

Snyder has been knighted as the reports say today.

And this is why the Times did its bit for Snyder and gave him a profile untouched by the truth...

Even for the Dirty Digger, to run that sort of obscenely nakedly untruthful plug was astonishing....

Now that behaviour by the LYING editorial agenda-couriers on the Times is exposed...

DAVID DAVIS: Peter Riddell joins Rupert Murdoch's paid gang of propagandists in undermining David Davis’ stand.

Peter Riddell is a rare member of the 'mainstream' media in Britain that I have ever approved of. On anything. But he is simply wrong to say that David Davis has turned his back on parliament. The opposite is the case. On the facts.

[To be continued]

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