Sunday, June 22, 2008

SIX months ago, KHOODEELAAR! No to Crossrail hole plot CAMPAIGN had identified and exposed Tom Harris as an irresponsible, misleading propagandist

KHOODEELAAR! had EXPOSED Tom Harris the Crass role playing Crossrail hole plot 'minister' in Gordon Brown-fronted Big Business-prompted ‘administration’...

KHOODEELAAR! has ALSO got it right about the ABJECT absence of prudence from Gordon Brown’s decision-making .... How could even a half prudent finance man make the blunderous commitment for CRASSrail that Gordon Brown made?

The ONLY visible ‘reason’ was that Ken LYINGSTILL Livingstone had been pushing Brown on behalf of BOg Business to make that commitment.

Now that ALL the financial ‘prowess’ and ‘acumen’ that Gordon Brown had been credited [!!!!] with by the media in Britain are coming apart and are unravelling faster than Brown can fly to Saudi Arabia begging for help, it is vital that ALL those - now that is a tall order is it it not, ALL those ‘rational, competent, honest, accountable, farsighted al members of the Gordon Brown administration’ must remember that Olympics hosting 2012 stunt-maker Livingstone ADMITTED that he had LIED about the 2012 Olympics Games hosting to get funding ‘to East London’

Livingstone said that there was no other way other than to lie to get the UK central Government to make the huge public funding available in ‘East London’.

Now they should match that with what KHOODEELAAR! has said for more than 4 years about the lying Livingstone. We had said that Livingstone was lying...

Now he has admitted [the last edition of the BBC TV’s QUESTION TIME that was broadcast in the last permitted date in April 2008 before the 1 May 2008 ‘London mayor and GLA elections’] and so there is no barrier to anyone publishing that fact, and examining, scrutinising its implications now...

Why aren't’ they doing so?

Do they not acre about the £Billions that are at stake?

Why is it all right for £Billions of public money to be squandered lie that?

We shall be updating our examination of this in the course of this week [starting on Monday 23 June 2008]

We update on Harris’s idiocies and show how Crossrail hole plot is going to be YET another heavy burden around Gordon Brown’s neck....

We show why Alistair darling who is confirmed as a player of the third or the 4th fiddle to unidentified forces and lacks the essential economic sense, was wrong to promote Crossrail and why it is still time , just about, for him to scrap the fiddly funding commitment to CRASsrail that Gordon Brown made...

We also show why the lying Guardian and Observer are very seriously wrong to promote Ken Livingstone today in a two page spread in the sinking OBSERVER.,..

And we also show how the sinking promoters of Crossrail cannot be trusted ...

[Coming here in the next 24 per the current schedule of publications by AADHIKARonline in association with KHOODEELAAR! No to Crossrail hole plot....].

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