Thursday, April 10, 2008

Shouldn't David Ca-Moron prove that he has moral courage and demand that the BAE SFO corruption be exposed by having a full Public Inquiry?

Muhammad Haque commenting in the piece by Frances Gibb as published on the Times online today:

"This is the latest confirmation of the widespread abuse of Parliament and constitutionality by the executive in the UK. Either there is rule of law or there is not. Where have the opposition spokespeople been ?

Why haven' THEY been the applicants for this judicial review of the highly corrupt behaviour by the Blairing regime?

This on is in the news because of the High Court action. How many thousands of similarly corrupt deals and decisions are being suppressed as we all hear about this particular one?

You say that Goldsmith is no longer in office. Is that acceptable? What kind of immunity must be allowed from answering on two of the most damaging violations he has committed against ethics and against constitutionality ?

How is Goldsmith able to get away like this, time after time?

Who are his de facto partners in the grand violations of the constitution?"

[To be continued]

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