Thursday, June 19, 2008

Crossrail hole plot-peddler Tom Harris, exposed as being an idiot that even the SUN can credibly berate....

Crossrail hole plot-peddler Tom Harris, exposed as being an idiot that even the SUN can credibly berate....

xCrossrail hole plot-peddler Tom Harris, exposed as being an idiot that even the SUN can credibly berate....

How can this man be ‘the chief of law-making’, as he has been appointed to be, on Crossrail Bill?

He is the de facto promoter who has been doing the main promoting for CRASSrail?

If he is thick and stupid that even the SUN ‘newspaper’ can credibly berate him shouldn't his ‘'project' [ in propaganda terms]’ Crossrail be subjected to the scrutiny that it has not been given ’ ALL claims for Crossrail be examined in full before the 'Crossrail Bill' is made into an Act of Parliament ?

[To be continued ]

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