Thursday, October 16, 2008

KHOODEELAAR! No to Big Business. Scrap Crossrail that is a ploy for enriching the Big Business, the looters behind the crisis [189]

This page was last edited at 1010 GMT London Thursday 16 October 2008

KHOODEELAAR! Organiser Muhammad Haque diagnosed and dissected the flawed London Crossrail scam, in a piece published as comment on the Times online on 23 september 2007. . . . . It was valid then. It is even more valid now Thursday 16 October 2008: 'Tunnel Vision' . And underneath in a subheading it says, "Crossrail will slash journey times and bump up property prices on both sides of the capital" Then you quote a whole range of property companies stating in gleeful terms how the prices of properties in currently deprived [!] areas will shoot up! They specifically also mention the Whitechapel area in the East End of London. Poverty and deprivation there are between the UK's highest. There is no irony in the Crossrail hypers' glee that the deprived and the low-income people will SUFFER as a direct result of the ADDITIONAL income disparity and the ADDITIONAL social exclusion and inequality that Crossrail will cause. What a way to waste £Billions of public money boosting the coffers of those who cause inequality in society. The East End people WILL be made poorer still by the imposition of the Crossrail Trojan horse for speculators and big business . Muhammad Haque . Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole Bill 0125 Hrs GMT London Sun. Muhammad Haque, London, UK

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