Wednesday, June 25, 2008

What 'mainstream' 'British' 'media' or political movement will expose and stop Big Business Crossrail hole plot, City of London propaganda by Murdoch?

0650 Hrs GMT 0750 Hrs UKtime London Wednesday 25 June 2008 KHOODEELAAR! No to CRASS plugs for irrationally plugged Crossrail hole plot; the first response to the latest plug as carried via the London Times newspaper…..

KHOODEELAAR! is based in the same London E1 area where the Rupert Murdoch Times newspapers are still operated from.... But there is a historic ADDITIONAL distortion that Murdoch has foisted on the area... He has RE-TITLED HIS part of the E1 post code area so far that it is just one digit short of a 100 percent distortion and untruth...

Khoodeelaar! is going to examine the Murdoch violation of the truth about the London E1 area in a peek soon... It is against the background of Rupert Murdoch’s brazen two fingers challenge to universal common sense and to all the ‘legal authorities’ known to exist in the UK that we shall examine the role of the Dirty Digger in covering up the truth and in exposing his lying agenda........ As has happened with the piece that the London Times carried in praise of the City of London propagandist Michael Snyder... Only a couple of months before the official publication of the ‘Queen’s Birth Day Honours list’ 2008, the ‘traditional, historic, recorded reputation of the London Times newspaper’ was further debased by the lying, dirtying Rupert Murdoch elements in carrying a most unseemly and obscene plug for Michael Snyder... It was not published as an advertisement But it was worse than an advertisement.... There was no basis in fact for the praise... Only propaganda. And the headline ‘proclaimed’ the Snyder character as the ‘Crossrail’ champion... Again there was no hint of evidence let alone justification for that plug But it was carried WITH FULL LIST of Michael Snyder’s claimed ‘positions he has held inside his own commercial business...’... No reasons given for that. And in the online form of the piece, there was a form for viewers to put a comment but no comment was in fact carried....... Until it emerged, again,in a list published in the Times,. that Michael Snyder had been knighted..... There is NO way that Snyder deserves to bed knighted, other than because of the lobby.

And the lobbying for Snyder was evident in that propaganda piece in the Times.....

Who will adjudicate on the Dirty Digger? Who will hold Rupert Murdoch to account to such an extent that he does not get away with such robberies of the truth? Who will stop the Dirty Digger’s lies being left unchallenged on the record....We are not in possession of the resources or the media as Murdoch has But we can only tell the truth and we shall publish the truth of the past two days...

On Tuesday 24 June 2008 the same Times carried a piece about the UK railways... We are examine g all of that during today...

Starting with the following which we have already published this morning Wednesday 25 June 2008

THIS BRIEF REPLY from KHOODEELAAR! has been sent in the past 20 minutes to Timesonline for publication as the preliminary response to the latest crass plug for Crossrail in a piece that is totally irrational.

 ”The Times reported on 24 June 2008 that there wasn’t enough railway provision to link various parts of the UK. It did not show any demand for Crossrail. Yet you repeat the mantra for Crossrail. Where is the justification for that? Even Rod Eddington REFUSED to back Crossrail. Why? No demand.”

[To be continued]

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